Gave away the last blue Betta. Male with split ventrals that I didn't notice until I cupped him. So I got to research a little bit more about them

Apparently a mutation of feather tail and downgrades it as a show Betta.
Whatever lol New owner loves him and his extra special ventral fins and has him in a planted 10
Just need to get Pinkie off to one of my wife's employees then I can move Brain into the kitchen and free up another tank

Brain has a lot more body black than pinkie did at the same size and he displayed purple irridescence when a juvenile. Hoping that comes back when he's set instead of the pink that pinkie has.
Bonus, I just took down the shelf I had a lot of the Bettas on. Have not needed it for about a month, nothing on it but empty boxes, nets and random supplies. But I walked in to check on things and it's like "oh yeah, all the Bettas are gone" lol

Yay! Patterns