What did you do with your tank(s) today?


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Waiting on another fish arrival today, my panda oranda from Chuchugoldfish. This was the vendor that shipped with too little of water. I put in notes to make sure fish was fully submerged and they acknowledged it. I also requested cold packs since the warm weather... will see how they do. The fish is coming from Texas and is a afternoon window of 1:30-5:30.


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Fish arrived around 5 and looked like it had plenty of water covering it. Got it into the tank and it’s settling in. Didnt take any pics, will wait till tomorrow. Happy the weather was a little cooler for the delivery, but they did add cooling packs


Well-Known Member
Aw, love the little panda. Black on goldfish can be so striking on such a large fish. I love the short times I have mine out for pond maintenance or breeding.
I rarely get to see this view. But for a feeder, that's a nice looking fish lol all I see is black with flashes of orange.

OTOH I spent too long watching the sorority as they color up last night.

I wanted purple:)


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@BPSabelhaus, and the black is really intensified on the goldies that get that natural sunlight and all the UV. I think that part of the problem with the tank raised fish, they dont get the natural light and it shows in their coloring.


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Part of why I love putting a lot of different Endlers outside for summer. Some tubs are dark, some are green, varying shade and light. With the polymorphic breeding habits being effected by such things you can get a lot of green irridescence, dark body fish etc.... that you normally can't get in an aquarium. Having to out dance a blue Endler in a green tub is a lot easier when you're a basic black bar or wild guppy carrying a green irridescence patch. First generation you get more like dad, maybe some with larger green patches. But maybe gen 2 meets up with a female also carrying green irridescence. Next Gen you might end up producing a couple lime type Endlers if the water color stays the same.

Collection point is important, but more research is showing the short evolution of the fish is post Spanish due to their dredging. The fish are constantly moving through new habitats and had to evolve different mating practices due to the varying environments. Guppies meanwhile remained stable in their environments because they weren't being developed. So collection point becomes seasonally variable as the waters change and different males suddenly become visible for mating.

I just wish guppies and Endlers did all they do in all their colors, but at like 6-10 inches for males and females lol. I'd love to watch the mating dances at that scale.
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Water changes on both goldfish tanks which allowed me to move the two red and white ranchu over to the dark substrate tank. I used a small plastic bowl as opposed to a net and it was a smooth move. They settled in really quickly and were eating like they never were moved around. Now I need to finish up stock on the 65B. Likely an addition of a calico or milk cow and the stock is done for a bit… unless I covert another tank over to goldies.


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No more water. Gets knee deep when wet and full of daphnia. Collected a shopping bag full of moss. Should be loaded with eggs for the next rain.
Betta fry in a "no feed" experiment. Seeing if I can grow a few out until they eat the adult daphnia just off the babies bring born.

Just got back from grabbing this

Finally. Have most everything else I need for Woodstock lol Going to need to get glass cut for the lid or a complete top. Not sure which way I want to go with the kittens being tank hoppers. Or say screw it and let em' have a bath lol
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Speak of the devil lol
He's the light one, I don't worry about Hobbes. Nibbler OTOH is 14.3 lbs lol Wife calls him her little cougar lol Hobbes is the runt and has the best little bent tail tip. Came that way at 6 weeks. Probably part of why he's a bit smaller. Missed out a bit when he was injured however.


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Went to Pet Works Olympia this morning. Took a cooler so I could pick up some frozen foods while I was there. My fish absolutely love the Hikari Omega enriched brine shrimp and I wish I could get this at Aquarium Paradise but they dont carry it. Was focused on gettting the food so I didn’t really pay attention to the fish, but tanks seemed pretty good, only saw one dead fish and most tanks looked well stocked. Saw they had some bigger Madagascar rainbows but I dont think I am going to pursue a school of these after all.


Well-Known Member
Named one of the females in the sorority today. Also noticed she's the only one so far developing red on her fins like Mom, who photo bombed the pic :) Fed them mosquito larvae and she swam right into the net to eat. Get her out, back in. Repeat, get her out and finally get the larvae out. Right back in lol "You're acting like Loki"
Sylvie it is, a variant :)


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Every now and then you are impressed with a company and just have to share the experience. Today for me it was with jimmygoldfish.com

I was sent an email about some goldfish foods available and I had sent in some questions about two products and if he had pics of the actual size of the pellets since so many of the goldfish foods are so tiny. He got back to me with a picture of both products I was inquiring about and he did that so quickly it was just amazing to me. Likely within half an hour, kid you not. I have ordered 1 container of food from him in the past and one fish which was extremely high quality and now with the outstanding customer service, well I think I can wholeheartedly recommend him.

Just wanted to share the positive experience.


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Sipping coffee by the pond. I can hear that I need to clean the pump intake soon lol. Water flow is still good, but I can hear the pump working just that little bit more. Like that feeling when you can just kind of tell when things are getting ready for maintenance.
Probably going to split the pond rush yet again this year. Put part in an indoor base type display and I'll start propagating some for riparian restoration work where needed. It's a native plant, but needs to be used properly in the relatively small 2.7 acre lake. I literally cut it in half in early March and it's already back to growing out of its container. Great plant for sucking up fish waste, but it's starting to out compete the willow which is a natural antibacterial. Need to trim that again too and probably propagate those cuttings for the lake. Even though it's clearly nutrient starved it's putting out fresh green runners to start new trees and try elsewhere.
Plants are crazy lol

I love willow for so many reasons.
Pond pump was easy. Intake was clear except for a single blade of pond grass that was stuck in, but the plant fibers had wrapped around the shaft. Easy peasy
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Contributing Member Level III
Had grand plans to go on an afternoon drive but a package was coming in that I wanted to be at the house for. So instead I spent afternoon assembling some outdoor bar stools and table we got. Met up with @fishguy1978 who picked up some driftwood and substrate and we caught up and talked fish for a bit.


Legendary Member
Had grand plans to go on an afternoon drive but a package was coming in that I wanted to be at the house for. So instead I spent afternoon assembling some outdoor bar stools and table we got. Met up with @fishguy1978 who picked up some driftwood and substrate and we caught up and talked fish for a bit.
Ha ha, beat me to it!! Thank you so much for the awesome driftwood, rocks and gravel. It was nice to be able to meet up and chat fish too.


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Might have a potential stand or at least cabinets to put in it for Woodstocks tank :) Hopefully grabbing another vanity from a neighbor. Do something similar to what I did for Alex's enclosure, hopefully with a bit less overhang lol Having covered storage is really nice with a Loki and two cats on the roam.

Need to obviously see it first. Might just need to reinforce it, or just build a rack a bit larger than the plans I was going to follow call for. Not a big deal.


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Morning tank cleaning and water changes. Also cleaned two Aquaclear 110’s this morning on the 90g goldie tank

And @fishguy1978, the puffer wasn’t that hungry, had to gravel up the fish head from the silverside, lol


Well-Known Member
Fed my ginormous tiger lotus with 4 root tabs and dumped in some Quick Start and Prime because sometimes I disturb the gravel too much while doing so.

Ponderatin' rooting another water sprite, and getting some micro swords or similar - eventually I might try filterless, but I need more plants first.



Legendary Member
Built a 2x4 platform with a 1/2in plywood top for the new tank, yesterday. Today I painted it with some deck paint from the collection of miscellaneous stuff in the garage.
I also picked up 12 cinder blocks yesterday for the finest cabinet build yet. :D


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Watching the baby goldfish x butterfly koi growing up and I swear one or two are more Shubunkin body shaped. Longer tail, extended caudal and narrower body. Still only half in long or so, but it appears two body morphs may be showing. Time will tell if they look like dad or mom I guess.