What did you do with your tank(s) today?


Well-Known Member
Scraped algae on the Betta sorority 20 yesterday. I understand why the cories were going nuts, but the Bettas were loving all the scraped algae too lol the baby goldfish are large enough to eat duckweed now which is helpful:)
Orange now, but it had koi pattern when it was still white. The blue eye mutation says it can stay indoors. The larger one I put outside in the 60g pond for the winter was dark body fry with regular gold / copper eye so that will be checked on when spring hits.
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Well-Known Member
Never see them by me. Maybe I should buy some next year lol If I saw one, I would absolutely feed it a dubia roach lol
I think DMD returned the fever to me.
I'm moving stuff around to setup a tub in the garage to grow my baby goldfish out in lol
A lot of different potential in this spawn. Many glass belly (currently, it will get covered eventually) fry and some dark fry showing pearlscale mutations.
Don't want to keep it warm, even though it would allow faster growth. I do want to expose them to a lower temperature though. Thinking maybe heating it to 65 during the day, then off at night. Should allow them to digest food and still have exposure to a changing temperature that doesn't go to freezing just yet.

Daddy. Think that's mom in the lower left too lol
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Contributing Member Level III
A bit of cleaning in the fishroom with my Universal Rock replacement piece finally getting put into the tank after two previous bad pieces being sent out. Otherwise just some normal water changes.


Well-Known Member
Nice Craigslist score :) 93/94 Koi magazines
They went all out two page on this koi food ad lol Might implement some of those into my filter setup.

Ended up ordering a 3D printer as a Xmas gift from Gramma. Kiddo has really been wanting to do his own nerf mods and this one does 4 colors while the others only have one color lol But, should be a nice tool for organizing my tool box and making custom baskets for the pond, filter, stuff like that. Bambu labs X1 mini.
First project is a "thank you Gramma" with a time lapse we can send her and he can bring in a couple weeks when they visit and the wife sees Justin Timberlake again, this time with her lifelong friend.
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Staff member
Contributing Member Level III
I wish I would have hung onto my old copies of TFH, but sadly disposed of them over time. Even though there is a ton of great information online I do however keep a few older fish books just for the pictures and to read up on some of the older fishkeeping practices back then... like undergravel filters


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Contributing Member Level III
Spent some time working on the 300 gallon after work last night. I had let the fake Universal Rocks get a little algae growth on them and they were looking bad. Got 3/4 of the tank done but I need to finish up tonight. I use a mind bleach solution and it takes all the algae off with just a little bit of scrubbing with a soft brush. I really like the impact of the large "rocks" in the tank, the scale just makes it look so much more real without the weight that the real rocks would be. The goal to night is to finish up the cleaning...

Out of my 8 tanks, I have the Universal Rocks products in 4 of them.


Well-Known Member
I wish I would have hung onto my old copies of TFH, but sadly disposed of them over time. Even though there is a ton of great information online I do however keep a few older fish books just for the pictures and to read up on some of the older fishkeeping practices back then... like undergravel filters
I love finding old stuff. Really helps overall understanding of where things came from. Older books on plants and animals especially related to specific regions with old maps, drawings and descriptions are fascinating.


Well-Known Member
I wish I would have hung onto my old copies of TFH, but sadly disposed of them over time. Even though there is a ton of great information online I do however keep a few older fish books just for the pictures and to read up on some of the older fishkeeping practices back then... like undergravel filters
Man! You just sent me down a YouTube rabbit hole looking at undergravel filters. Last time I had one was almost 30 years ago.


Well-Known Member
I want to use this in something at some point. Hard to see in pictures, but it has a glitter in the plastic. I have a smaller one that is missing the lid. Wonder if I can 3d print a new one based off the larger lid but scaled down? I even ordered a similar filament color. Opaque aqua because the kiddo loves that color. Hmmm


One of the things I inherited from the angelfish breeder / shop owner that passed. Had a set of vintage marbles in it too.
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Legendary Member
Contributing Member Level III
I wish I would have hung onto my old copies of TFH, but sadly disposed of them over time. Even though there is a ton of great information online I do however keep a few older fish books just for the pictures and to read up on some of the older fishkeeping practices back then... like undergravel filters
I had several old undergravel filters that I posted here as being available for Free a year or two ago. There were filters for at least four 55's, a few 75's, and a 125. No takers. :(


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Contributing Member Level III
Went up to Snohomish for the day recently and walked around a few antique shops, hoping to see some vintage aquarium stuff in all the people's collections of sellable stuff and NADA. No interesting old equipment, books, nothing. I would love to get an old stainless steel framed tank with a stainless light fixture on day. Just a little 5 gallon or something like that. Ive seen them pop up on occasion on craigslist but its been a while.


Legendary Member
Contributing Member Level III
I love finding old stuff. Really helps overall understanding of where things came from. Older books on plants and animals especially related to specific regions with old maps, drawings and descriptions are fascinating.

I wish I would have hung onto my old copies of TFH, but sadly disposed of them over time. Even though there is a ton of great information online I do however keep a few older fish books just for the pictures and to read up on some of the older fishkeeping practices back then... like undergravel filters

Long before TFH there were hobbyist magazines such as 'The Aquarium' and 'Aquarium Journal.' I have collections of these magazines dating from the early 1930's through the mid-1950's. Some of the discussions of things like filtration and water management (what nitrogen cycle?) are truly amazing.


But if you like really old stuff, there is 'To the Mountains of the Moon' written by the legendary explorer J. E. S. Moore in 1901, and 'Being an Account of the Modern Aspect of Central Africa and Some Little Known Regions Traversed by the Tanganyika Expedition in 1899 and 1900.' The original edition had some exquisite maps of Lake Tanganyika and surrounding areas, sadly missing from most of the non-library copies that have survived to the present. Some forty years after the discovery of Lake Victoria as (one) source of the Nile, this part of Africa was still largely unknown to Europeans in 1900.


Legendary Member
Contributing Member Level III
Went up to Snohomish for the day recently and walked around a few antique shops, hoping to see some vintage aquarium stuff in all the people's collections of sellable stuff and NADA. No interesting old equipment, books, nothing. I would love to get an old stainless steel framed tank with a stainless light fixture on day. Just a little 5 gallon or something like that. Ive seen them pop up on occasion on craigslist but its been a while.
When I was a boy stainless steel-framed tanks were all that existed, and my Dad had a beautiful 29g tank with a full ss cover. I'd love to have a showpiece tank like that someday.


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Contributing Member Level III
Found my 36w UV bulbs on sale at Amazon for $24.99 for a two pack so I ordered them. I replace out the bulbs at least once a year and its time, along with some filter cleaning too. I replace sponges in the FX6 last time so this time it should be just a simple media rinse.


Well-Known Member
DMD - what's the plant in front of the rock? Is it live or is it plastic?

Getting concerned that Crawley has, for the second day in a row, come out to the front of the tank an hour before fishie dinner and had a seizure. Not one of her usual 'upside down looks dead' ones either, but violent wriggling with her head arched back where she also seems to be conscious enough to violently wriggle herself back to one of her houses. Usually the 'looks dead' ones are caused by bright light or sunshine, but my tank light is a 6W on a 6 gal set at 50% with plants shading about 65%, and the window is mostly covered in the morning when the sunlight hits it. I DID leave my cardboard out of the window the last couple of days after removing the A/C hose, and have kept the shades up a couple inches so my cute little Dollar Store Halloween figures can sit there, bright eyes peering creepily out at the night. Might be that even tho the weather has been cloudy enough light is still getting through. Hoping its not hydra, tho the blues should have been dealing with them this week as they're barely big enough for the bloodworms I'm feeding for dinner this week (I switch dinner weekly with those and Bug Bites).

Parameters are normal, tho the nitrates were a touch high at 50 (normally I keep them at 25), and switched out the PhosGuard bag, and dropped a few grains of epsom salt in as magnesium calms and relaxes and the plants haven't had their monthly dose. Not doing a water change today in an effort to force myself to rest my foot after physical therapy followed by too much walking.

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Staff member
Contributing Member Level III
DMD - what's the plant in front of the rock? Is it live or is it plastic?

It is a plastic plant made by Universal Rock. Their plants are quite large compared to the stuff sold in fish stores. It fits the scale of my 300 gallon and looks like it belongs.