What did you do with your tank(s) today?


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Contributing Member Level III
Last night the wife comments about a smell in the garage from the tanks... of course I cant smell anything and I clean the tanks regularly so as to never have a 'fish store smell' about the place. I figured it must be the goldies so I was up early and scrubbed the 20H qt tank and did a fin level water change and used tank water from another goldfish tank to refill and then refilled the water in the other tank with fresh dechlorinated water.

I did all that before the wife woke up, so Im curious if she still will 'smell something'.

Just have to throw this out to all the married guys out there, Am I the only one? Or does your wife also have super human sense of smell and hearing? lol


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Contributing Member Level III
Doing water changes this morning and thought how much easier it would be to have a mixing valve setup… I could simultaneously use a python to gravel vac my lower tanks and fill up tanks I had just done… @sir_keith, how did your mixing valve install go? Had a chance to use it yet?


Well-Known Member
Scraped the kitchen Betta tank algae.
Haven't taken a photo of Pinkie in awhile. He has developed a red saddle since the last pic :)
Then this magnificent thing. This is from the second spawn. He's in a 5 that used to house my magenta project. Thinking about turning the 8 gallon bowfront currently housing daphnia into a nice planted tank for him. The three blue males I'm probably taking up to the store.

Getting my collection bag ready for the year. Observation container, fine net and two containers for what I collect (one for insects, animals, microfauna etc the other plants, mosses etc...) This is the neighborhood/ walking around bag. For things like sticklebacks, working on restoration projects etc... it's a backpack plus a fine net / walking pole lol
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Legendary Member
Contributing Member Level III
Doing water changes this morning and thought how much easier it would be to have a mixing valve setup… I could simultaneously use a python to gravel vac my lower tanks and fill up tanks I had just done… @sir_keith, how did your mixing valve install go? Had a chance to use it yet?
Yes, it's awesome. More details to follow...


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Contributing Member Level III
Today I focused on the goldies. Cleaned one of the Aquaclear 110's on the 90 gallon and moved the two lionchu out into the 65B. Then moved the panda Yuanbao oranda into the 90 gallon. Also did a water change on the 20H qt tank where the Calico/Tiger Yaunbao oranda is.


Legendary Member
Contributing Member Level III
Doing water changes this morning and thought how much easier it would be to have a mixing valve setup… I could simultaneously use a python to gravel vac my lower tanks and fill up tanks I had just done… @sir_keith, how did your mixing valve install go? Had a chance to use it yet?
Yes, it's awesome. More details to follow...

As promised, I put together an account of my new water-changing setup, but rather than posting it here and having it get lost in all the chit-chat of this thread, I've posted it in my old Fish Room History, Tour, and Upgrade thread. :cool:


Legendary Member
Probably the last water change on the 29g rack system. Moved the 2 C brevirostris to the 260g. Culled some G sphenozona and moved the rest into the 260g.


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Contributing Member Level III
Yes, need to cut back on time spent in the fish room.
Totally understand, kind of at that realization now too. At this point maybe just get rid of my 20H qt set up and then get rid of the Fluval flex. But I would replace with an empty 40B ready to go in case of a fish emergency. I know it’s coming but not sure when I will go forward. It will involve some fish going away and moving others around.


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Contributing Member Level III
I got busy with stuff this week with a lot of family stuff going on. Birth of a grandchild happened so it was a fun week at least. Hope to move my goldie from qt into its permanent home this weekend and do my water changes as scheduled.

Been wanting to get out to the new Tropical Fish World (Buckly) but I usually am doing too much on Saturdays to get out there, and they are closed Sundays. I fear that if I go out there I will buy another tank... though if I do, it is in my downsize plans to get rid of my Fluval Flex and have the new tank as a larger qt/hospital (empty until needed situation). I am partial to the Aquarium Masters line of tanks they carry as opposed the Aqueon from Petco. Only issue if I remember correctly is the Aquarium Masters has the tank brace down the middle so you are limited as to HOB filters, I would not be able to use an Aquaclear 110 but could fit the 70 on there. I guess it really wouldn't matter since it is being planned on as a spare emergency tank. (Or I could make it an Axolotl tank...) lol - NO MORE TANKS!


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Contributing Member Level III
Sounds like an intervention is needed. More tanks always :D

Congratulations on your new grandbaby too!!
Really, I really dont NEED anymore tanks, however I do WANT them

Thanks, this is exciting because it is our first girl, we already have 5 boys!


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Contributing Member Level III
Got both goldfish tanks cleaned last night and moved the oranda over from qt into the 90g.