Members'fish pics


Legendary Member
Contributing Member Level III
Julidochromis ornatus, a cave-dwelling species from Lake Tanganyika. This is a young breeding group in a 40L. The mated pair are in the center, surrounded by some of their progeny from previous spawns. Smaller fry are all in hiding. The pair produces a small number of eggs every few days, and the resulting fry are raised cooperatively by the entire group. Very cool. I have another small group of these in another 40L with some Neolamprologus multifasciatus, interim quarters for the duration of my fish room upgrade, soon to start.



Legendary Member
Contributing Member Level III
Back to Tropheus. Tropheus brichardi Kabimba 'Canary Cheek.'


I obtained these from a WaFishbox member (@Elblin) about five years ago. They are an unusual and attractive population, but by far the most aggressive Tropheus I have ever kept. They are also robust, at ~6"TL at maturity. I had no success keeping 10 individuals together as a group in a 75g, and could not offer them a larger tank at the time, so I split the group in half and put them in with other established Tropheus colonies. Most Tropheus keepers do not mix Tropheus populations for fear of hybridization, but that is not an issue here, as T. brichardi is only distantly related to other Tropheus species, as shown in this DNA cladogram, courtesy of Ad Konings-


It's interesting to note that the type species of the genus, T.moorii, is the most recently evolved species. :)


Staff member
Contributing Member Level III
Saying my ‘goodbye’ to this Petsmart devil. Decided to rehome it. Got a perfect balance in my 300 so there was no need to add another fish.


Staff member
Contributing Member Level III
A few of my new jewels..... this was right after being added to the tank, this morning all of them were colored up real nice and red! I’ll snag an update pic for tomorrow and will get one of the blackbelt after that 07622C99-B38D-4304-AFBD-CD20B02EDDE6.jpeg