Members'fish pics


Well-Known Member
This is what i have so far of the dwarf anchor cat. Taken a while back. He scurried off as soon as i put the phone near the glass...


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Legendary Member
Contributing Member Level III
This is Xenotilapia bathyphilis 'Kekese', a sand-floor dwelling species from Lake Tanganyika. These fishes inhabit deeper water than most Xeno species, and consequently have more subdued colors, and relatively large eyes. They are not very common in the hobby, but I really like them.

I've had these for about 3 years. They were one of the first Xenotilapia species I acquired, and I was still in the process of learning how to care for these fishes, so I lost 5 of the original 10 over the next few months. Now that I've figured out how to keep them alive, they are thriving. One of the things I like best about them is that they are active and social, but very peaceful. Being such a small group, I've always kept them with other Xenotilapia species, and they seem to get along with everybody, including each other. I like fishes that have personality, but are not overly aggressive.

I've been keeping my eye out for an opportunity to acquire more of these fishes, but last night one of my X. bathyphilis pairs spawned, and this morning I have one holding female. I tried to get a picture of her, but she is in being quite secretive. If she holds on to her eggs for more than a few days, I will give her the opportunity to hold to term in a brooding tank of her own. This is going to complicate my plans for the fish room upgrade that I am just about to start, but I'd be happy to postpone that if I can get some fry from my X. bathyphilis. :)



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Contributing Member Level III
@Madness, I had to laugh when I clicked on to topic and scrolled down and saw a big orange blob, kept scrolling and scrolling and found it to be a big nuchal hump shot.

I should have expected it but... from perspective it was starting off looking like this