Members'fish pics


Well-Known Member
So either auto fill or I goofed when I made my account here and mixed real name and nick name. Management has fixed it for me. So going foward I will be posting under the Jexnell name, it was Sean Talkington.


Staff member
Contributing Member Level III
So either auto fill or I goofed when I made my account here and mixed real name and nick name. Management has fixed it for me. So going foward I will be posting under the Jexnell name, it was Sean Talkington.
Im going to refer to you as the "The fish-keeper formerly known as... Sean Talkington" :rofl


Legendary Member
Contributing Member Level III
Continuing on the Tropheus sp. 'red' theme from yesterday...

Tropheus sp. 'red' is an assemblage of related fishes from the southwest corner of Lake Tanganyika, some of which occur sympatrically with the type species, T. moorii. Ad Konings proposed that this group represents a distinct Tropheus species more than 25 years ago, but that species has yet to be described scientifically. It's yet another case of the taxonomy lagging behind the systematics and molecular biology by decades. Nonetheless, it is generally accepted that T. sp. 'red' is distinct from other Tropheus species.

Several different T. sp. 'red' populations are popular and widely available in the aquarium hobby, amongst these are Chimba (described in my previous post) and Moliro, and to a lesser extent, Chipimbi and Lupota. Other populations are rare in the aquarium hobby, including this one, Tropheus sp. 'red' Lunangwa Sud. I have never seen this population for sale commercially, but five years ago I was able to obtain some young specimens from a WA Fishbox member (@Elblin), who in turn had obtained his stock from a hobbyist in the Midwest. A rare and unusual Tropheus that will soon get one of the new 75's in my fish room.




Staff member
Contributing Member Level III
@Madness, thought you would like these pics, all are of the same fish. This was one of the Hoga that first started my amphilophus tank.
I only caught him looking this colorful for a day or so. I ended up having to rehome the hoga due to aggression. Did not work as a peacekeeping fish in my group.


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