What did you do with your tank(s) today?


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Contributing Member Level III
I have run wire from the fish room into the garage. I need to pull about 15ft more wire to reach the breaker box. Also need to route the wire into the fish room ceiling. I'm pooped.
Do you need more juice in the fish room? I ran into the same problem in my prior home: I couldn't watch TV and run the vacuum cleaner in my fish room without tripping the breaker. Fortunately, my current fish room is on a dedicated circuit, and has plenty of power. The fish room does use a lot of electricity, however, as PSE keeps reminding me... :eek:


Legendary Member
Do you need more juice in the fish room? I ran into the same problem in my prior home: I couldn't watch TV and run the vacuum cleaner in my fish room without tripping the breaker. Fortunately, my current fish room is on a dedicated circuit, and has plenty of power. The fish room does use a lot of electricity, however, as PSE keeps reminding me... :eek:

Yes, I replaced 4 wall mounted lights with double outlets when I first set up the fish room. I maxed out the 8 plugs available immediately. My plan is to be able to add more outlet capacity.


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Contributing Member Level III
Took a little time to sand down sharp edges on the new driftwood. Got it in the 75 gallon empty tank releasing tannins. Will soak for a bit before putting it in the 300. Will likely do it upright so it make more of an impact.


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Contributing Member Level III
The water in the 75 soaking the Mopani looked like tea this morning, so water change to that tank. Also gravel vac to trimac tank. Want to try to get to the 300 today if possible. Want to gravel vac it and level out sand from all the diggers in that tank.


Legendary Member
I had to cut a channel in the dry wall to access the floor joists to be able to run wire to the location I chose in the ceiling. I still need to connect to the breaker panel.


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Contributing Member Level III
Tank cleaning day. Started on the 300 with lots of scrubbing on the glass and gravel vac. I like my tanks to look clean and it was just starting to get that scum going a bit thick on the back wall of the tank. Much better now but need to finish the other half of the tank now.

Working on garage tanks too.

Quick pic of my catfish in the 65B, its hiding spot in plain sight.
Close up


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Contributing Member Level III
Today the best of both worlds, got to pull out power tools and work on tank related stuff! lol

Ive wanted this piece of Mopani a certain way but I needed to cut the wood and do a rock base. So I got to pull out my grinder with a diamond blade and cut the rock base and then used the hammer drill to drill a hole through the rock.
IMG_20201022_140835427.jpg Attached with a stainless steel screw
IMG_20201022_141224107.jpg What its like now in the tank

The other thing I got to do today.... new tank day! New 90 to replace the other 75g in the fishroom.


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Contributing Member Level III
Background and light blocker installed on back of the new 90. Hopeful to have it set up this week. Then move the RTM back in.


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Top ready to go on the 90 and filter cleaned and new sponge installed. Going to do a fresh cycle on this one.

The 75 is drained and dry... waiting for some help to move things around


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Contributing Member Level III
I got the 90 set up! Just need to add a little more gravel and get it cycled. Its temporary being used to soak mopani wood that will go into the 300. I will put my RTM cichlid grow outs in there soon.


Legendary Member
I moved the rack for the 29g aquariums, moved the largest severum to the 90g and the one orange angel into solitary. The two murder beans from the 29g are now in a 29g by themselves to spawn hopefully.


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Contributing Member Level III
Finished up the 90 gallon today. Put the RTM and the large male bristle nosed pleco in there. The 65B is now a community tank, which is not very calm with three angels and their pecking order. I never realized how aggressive they could be with each other. The smallest angel looks pretty torn up, likely from its time with the rtm. Hopefully they get it all figured out and calm down.


Legendary Member
Contributing Member Level III
...The 65B is now a community tank, which is not very calm with three angels and their pecking order. I never realized how aggressive they could be with each other...

Even though they've been bred in captivity for more than 100 years, angels are still cichlids! And wild-caught angels are a whole different story. When I was breeding these, years ago, it was one mated pair per 55 gallon tank, and even the F1's had similar space demands. This beautiful F1 pair produced many F2 fry, but even when well-bonded, they required a 4-foot tank to keep the peace.
