Well-Known Member
My guess is Venustus. But.....im colorblind and could be way off
Gonna click this now and see the results!
Usually called RTM or Red Tiger Mota.parachromis motaguensis should've known. Still have no clue what these are...they look cool though!
Pic of the day, lol. The little guy is so cute!
Wow tiny soldier
Did lots of water changes today, got all 5 garage tanks done. My 65B has me a bit stumped right now. Its got the start of a community tank going with bristle nosed pleco and a raphael catfish but the top area is looking mighty sparse. The height of this tank would look great with some unique tall bodied angel fish or a nice school of mid-swimming tetras. Im at that point where I have quite a few personable wet pets and dont need to add another. I could just raise some smaller colorful community fish....
Where do you get these replacement strips? For sure I could use a few...Replaced a couple back strips on the 300. After a while they start to discolor. Still have two more to go and they will look all good again.
View attachment 6622
Tropical Fish World in Bonny Lake carries them. I needed the 3/16” for the tops on the 300. I believe it was $2.99 a foot and you can get it in a 6ft strip. They carry the 1/8” also, same price.Where do you get these replacement strips? For sure I could use a few...