What did you do with your tank(s) today?


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Contributing Member Level III
Built another water changer fill up yesterday.
My eventual goal is to make one without the pvc elbows on top. I want to heat and bend to make a perfect U shape. But for now this works.

Anyone know a good way to remove the writing on the pipe?


Legendary Member
Built another water changer fill up yesterday.
View attachment 6579
My eventual goal is to make one without the pvc elbows on top. I want to heat and bend to make a perfect U shape. But for now this works.

Anyone know a good way to remove the writing on the pipe?

Use your black sand blasting media. Heat up just enough for the length of pipe you are using in the oven. I watched a YouTube on a retired Boeing engineer who built a roller coaster in his back yard using pvc for the tracks. Cap one end pour the hot sand in and cap the other end. Drive some nails into a piece of plywood to create the curve and then just wait for the pvc to cool.


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Contributing Member Level III
@fishguy1978, I had totally forgot about the hot sand method. I was going to buy a heat gun, now I dont have to! I will have some free time coming up next week so maybe I will make a jig and try it out.


Legendary Member
Water changes and moving the albino BNP grow outs to a desperate tank. Also started a feeder snail tank that is unheated and unfiltered as an experiment. I have more snails in my grow tanks than baby BNP :confused:


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Contributing Member Level III
Been working on water change things. My python hose ends cannot handle the pressure of having the full output of my utility sink faucet, so I end up having to replace these with heavy duty metal ones from Lowes. When we remodeled I looked for a high gallon per minute faucet for doing refills and love it but everything else needed to also be able to handle it.

Im in the process of trying to come up with faster ways to drain and fill my tanks for ease of maintenance. Having 6 tanks going now has been a bit more challenging!


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Contributing Member Level III
Unhappy puffer got the big move today. From the way overkill 65B to its permanent 30 gallon. This fish is much more in scale to its surroundings and I can now use the 65b to grow out something or work on a different project.
IMG_5 MOVE.jpg


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Contributing Member Level III
Rehomed 5 midas to @lloyd378 and got something new to work on.

Blank slate of a 75g...
9 new hungry mouths to feed
IMG_20200907_133856663.jpgCan you tell what they are yet?
IMG_20200907_133911932.jpgGoing to be little monsters
IMG_20200907_133924061.jpg In the tank now...


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Contributing Member Level III
Scored a free 115g acrylic with sump, heater, and pumps. Measures 50x24x20. It’s a custom peninsula tank and will probably replace the two bowfront aquariums.
At some point, I still need to come see you again. And hopefully buy some shellies