What did you do with your tank(s) today?


Legendary Member
Ordered food. Top shelf is vegans, middle is omnivores, bottom is carnivores.
One of the items I ordered was the Sera Algae wafers. I have been very happy with their catfish wafers made with alder cones. These have held there shape and do not disintegrate in the aquarium. I was hoping for the same with algae wafer but was disappointed. I watched one sluffing into the aquarium in the BN fry tank that is a low flow tank since only using air driven sponge filters. Tried one in the 220g with same results. These do not sink readily either. I need a foodthat will sink quickly so the large pleco gets fed. The SD got ahold of the one I dropped in and it was gone in seconds.


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Water change that triggered breeding behavior thankfully did not lead to anything. No eggs were laid, so nothing to deal with. This did help me sex one of the midas as female. Still highly suspect the other Petsmart devil as being female but time will tell.

Spent some time with garage tanks and did gravel vac/water changes. The trimac has been a bit better but still is twitchy when it sees movement in the shadows. It really likes when all lights are on in the garage and can see me.

My recently purchased raphael cat is cool but not surprisingly a hider. Goal is to get some size on it and hopefully house it with a bristle nose pleco and a red wolf in either a 65B or 75g.


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Contributing Member Level III
Getting ready to transfer a colony of young Xenotilapia orchrogenys Ndole from their grow-out tank to a 55, so did water changes today to get the water chemistry of both tanks as similar as possible (very hard, very alkaline). They will be going from the lower tank in the pic (yellow arrow) to the upper one (red arrow). Both tanks also contain Cyprichromis leptostoma juveniles for company.


When these fishes put on some size, my plan is to add some of them to a colony of wild-caught X. orchrogenys Ndole that I acquired last November. Here is a pic of one of my wild-caught males; they took a while to settle in. I've really been hooked on Xenotilapia/Enantiopus since I first started keeping them about two years ago, just super-cool fishes.



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Contributing Member Level III
What kind of bichirs / polypterus are those?

looks like a large delhizhi on top !!!

Im sure you remember that I Lost my 5x 12-13” Back in November or December when my heater malfunctioned in my classroom tank


Well-Known Member
What kind of bichirs / polypterus are those?

looks like a large delhizhi on top !!!

Im sure you remember that I Lost my 5x 12-13” Back in November or December when my heater malfunctioned in my classroom tank
Yes I remember. That was very sad :(
The top one is a 13-14” weeksii which is very similar to delhezi. I also have laps from different catch points, a wild PBB, a Black Volta Endli. An 17-18” ornate. And a little albino senegal at 9-10”


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I have DMD’s old weeksi! He is getting big! Probably close to 18” he lives with my other poly but the name is currently escaping me..... oh and a smaller 5” polleni ( Madagascar cichlid )


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Contributing Member Level III
I have DMD’s old weeksi! He is getting big! Probably close to 18” he lives with my other poly but the name is currently escaping me..... oh and a smaller 5” polleni ( Madagascar cichlid )
The weeksii was named Nessie like the monster, because it used to be an event when you saw it since it loved to hide. But then it just got too big to hide so it outgrew its name, lol.


Legendary Member
When you have plant eating fish but have the need to plant every tank. A 10g with a broken bottom becomes an intake greenhouse.
Robbed some bronze wendetii crypt, dwarf sag, and rotalla from several different tanks through pruning. The crypts were one mother plant that divided into 4.


Well-Known Member
I have DMD’s old weeksi! He is getting big! Probably close to 18” he lives with my other poly but the name is currently escaping me..... oh and a smaller 5” polleni ( Madagascar cichlid )
Very cool! Yes I was wondering what had happened to her. That’s HUGE!


Well-Known Member
The weeksii was named Nessie like the monster, because it used to be an event when you saw it since it loved to hide. But then it just got too big to hide so it outgrew its name, lol.
Yes! She was a BBW remember? Big beautiful weeksii hehe


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Hate when I wake up too early and cant get back to sleep... so 5am water change on the 300 before heading off to work.


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Well the reality of working 40 hours a week is back. My co-worker who was at the office while I worked from home had a family emergency so Im now in the office again full time for a while. Typical summer outdoor work coupled with being back at work has made me rethink having overstocked tanks like my one 75 growout and the 300. I think Im ready to slim down all the amphilophus and keep just my few favorites. Likely keep a Petsmart red devil, Trimac and a two-toned true midas. Proably rehome the other 7 midas and 2 Sagittae and make my life easier.