What did you do with your tank(s) today?


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Fyi PetSmart has an app where you can play games to get discount coupons. Some stores let you stack these coupons so you can get crazy deals on things. Got this tank today for $87



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Woke up early enough to see 'sunrise' in the fish room. In this 125, the actinic lights have already turned on, but the other illumination is sunlight streaming in from an adjacent east-facing window. It only does this first thing in the morning, so algae is not a problem. This tank contains Xenotilapia and Enantiopus, and I've noticed that these fishes are particularly active at dawn and dusk in low-light conditions. :)



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Been working on my spiderwood centerpiece... it just is a slimy thing and its been a fight to get it to finish releasing tannins. I have been holding back from moving my puffer to try and work with this piece.

So far my favorite aquarium woods are my Mopani pieces. I also have some Malaysian driftwood and it looks great but is in a slow decomposing state and it gets smaller with each cleaning, lol.
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Legendary Member
I stopped by AP today on the way home and scored 2 clown plecos, 1 bumble bee cat, and 4 bronze corys.
The Hoga was sold to somebody with a 180g cichlid tank and the Hoga decided to teach them all who was boss even though he wasn’t the biggest. Didn’t kill anybody but is being returned. Green Terri, convicts, Argentina festa(?) not sure what else in there.


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Yesterday was a hard core clean day for all the garage tanks. With the nice weather I let water changes go out longer than I normally would since Ive been spending time in the yard.

@fishguy1978, interesting update on the hoga. It did well with smaller fish but any other cichlid close in size would be considered an adversary. It will probably need to be a solo cichlid or in a community with other non-cichlid fish. It did well with my bichirs and bala sharks.


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... With the nice weather I let water changes go out longer than I normally would since Ive been spending time in the yard...

Same here. I would have thought that with all this stay-at-home stuff my fishroom would be in the best shape ever. Not so, but my garden is looking fantastic! For me being outdoors is therapeutic, and the weather has been so nice...



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Cleaning my arrowhead puffer tank, I noticed there are nicks in the heater cord jacket. When the puffer was in a different set up with different heater I noticed same thing. So I figured out Ive got a nibbling puffer. He hasn’t broke through to wires but apparently nips at the jacket. Have not caught him doing deed yet but no other heaters show this condition except for his tank.

Even the other puffer leaves the cord alone. Anyway looking for ideas to protect the cord... was thinking of splitting some airline tube in half and zip tie around the cord.


Legendary Member
Cleaning my arrowhead puffer tank, I noticed there are nicks in the heater cord jacket. When the puffer was in a different set up with different heater I noticed same thing. So I figured out Ive got a nibbling puffer. He hasn’t broke through to wires but apparently nips at the jacket. Have not caught him doing deed yet but no other heaters show this condition except for his tank.

Even the other puffer leaves the cord alone. Anyway looking for ideas to protect the cord... was thinking of splitting some airline tube in half and zip tie around the cord.

PVC shield? Enough diameter to leave water space around heater and then enough height to protect the cord. Drill holes in the PVC to allow water flow.


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Here is the previous tanks heater which I thought was a defect of the unit getting too hot... but now realizing the puffer had been nipping at.
probably doesn’t help that the cord looks like his favorite food... night crawlers


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PVC shield? Enough diameter to leave water space around heater and then enough height to protect the cord. Drill holes in the PVC to allow water flow.
Current heater is a Fluval E series with heater guard built in. Just the cord needs to be protected.

Im thinking of cable organization sleeve like this may work


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Did some work on the garage tanks. Good scrub down, gravel vac, water change.


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Did you eat the morel? I made an omelette with the mushrooms and am still alive :D

Sadly I didn’t eat the Morel and they seem to have disappeared from my yard as it has been landscaped and they havent been coming back.


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Contributing Member Level III
That’s a bummer the morels quit growing.
We took out this huge laurel hedge in the back yard and apparently the morels were growing under its shadow and doing well. Now that the area is all open to the sun, they have disappeared. Would have been cool to grow them in my own yard.