What did you do with your tank(s) today?


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Contributing Member Level III
Spent morning cleaning the garage tanks. Gravel vac and cleaned up algae. They look good for now....


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Raphael is looking good!
Some time back I wanted to get a giant raphael cat (Megalordoras uranoscopus) for the 300 but vendor ran out. So I decided to just do the smaller striped one for now. Probably end up with it and a bristle nosed pleco and a red wolf in either the 65b or a 75.


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Contributing Member Level III
Some time back I wanted to get a giant raphael cat (Megalordoras uranoscopus) for the 300 but vendor ran out. So I decided to just do the smaller striped one for now. Probably end up with it and a bristle nosed pleco and a red wolf in either the 65b or a 75.

Love the external spines along the lateral line; looks positively prehistoric! :eek:


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Contributing Member Level III
Added a couple of bristle nosed plecos from @fishguy1978 to the 30 gallon tank that has had the fuzzy driftwood. One of the little guys started going at it right away.


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I watched the little plecos going at the fuzz this morning and noticed the poop... lol. I had forgot how much plecos could poop. But on the bright side, I swear the wood fuzz was already looking better.


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Well after my visit with @fishguy1978 it made me think about what I want to do with my 65B once the puffer is moved out... I already have a couple tank inhabitants with the striped Raphael cat and bristle nosed plecos. I was hoping to get a red wolf fish also but the more I think about it Im leaning toward not doing any other 'wet pet' but maybe start up a community tank. Some interesting tetras or rainbows, a small type loach, live bearers, maybe an electric blue acara. And of course try a live plant or two. Not that Im getting tired of the big cichlids, bichirs and puffers but I want something different.


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Chocolate sprinkles hehe
lol! :rofl
Thankfully this tank is bare bottom at the moment so I just vac'd it out with a hose and probably only about a gallon of water to replace. Im sure there will be more this afternoon. :poo


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This is the piece that has been a fuzzy nightmare. They said it was Spiderwood at Wet Spot. Never have used it before with my preference being Mopani. This will be the center piece in the 65B and I will move the puffers Mopani to the 30g.
After seeing how @fishguy1978 drilled some holes in his pieces of wood, Im going to look at the feasibility of doing that to this piece to give the pleco a good hide spot. Not sure if I can do it but there is a flat spot on the side that might work well for it.


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Contributing Member Level III
I forgot to mention a point of inspiration visiting @fishguy1978... besides the variety of fish in the community tanks. I like the lighting suspended above the tanks as opposed to directly on them like I currently have. The lighting seemed more even, hard to explain but I liked the look. I am considering doing something similar now. I really like the idea of just having the things out of the way, they are always in the way sitting on the glass tops.