Legendary Member
Wow, that's awesome. I still have the T gyrina but they have not spawned for me. The female gets fat with eggs and looks like bubbles in her belly.This had me laughing for a minute. Tatia intermedia, or the driftwood catfish. My wife calls them the ugly peanut fish because of the silhouette they have when the back light is on and they go swimming in the mid water zone. They hide in nooks all day but once the sunset mode hits they get active. They do snap food up off the bottom but I see them grabbing flakes and micro pellets from the mid water too.
They are softer water (the commonly recommended pH vs what was observed with these seems to off) specialty fish that were passed along to me by another member here and they really brighten up the entertainment value when the night mode is running. I have 3 of them, two males and a female. Every couple months I get a big ole blob of eggs that typically make it to the wriggle phase before the snails eat them all. I think one day I'll pull some eggs and put them in a beer box to hatch without the snails but I'm not ready for that yet and the demand isn't high, despite being pretty fun to watch.
You should definitely try raising up some of those intermedia fry!! Wish I had softer water.