I had a 10-hour power outage yesterday, this after a 12-hour outage two weeks ago. The power went out at 8 a. m., and I got a notification from PSE with an expected restoration time of 10 a. m. These kinds of AI-generated estimates are unreliable, because they simply assume the repair will take two hours, even before the cause of the outage has been established. I subsequently received texts with updated restoration times of 1 p. m., then 4 p. m. At 3:30 p. m. I received a text saying the power had been restored, and I could see that the power was on in homes that had previously been without power across the bay, but my place was still without power. It turns out that there were two outages, one that affected ~400 homes in the area due to 'trees/vegetation,' and a smaller one within that area that affected ~30 homes in my immediate neighborhood due to 'equipment failure.' The expected restoration time for that failure was 7 p. m., but the power was actually restored at ~6 p. m.
Power outages are a nuisance for everybody, but they're particularly worrisome if you have a fishroom that houses delicate fishes. Fortunately, I installed a backup system in my house several years ago, with a hard-wired generator that is powered by a dedicated 100-gallon tank of liquid propane gas. That's enough fuel to run the generator continuously for many days, so power outages are no longer a threat to my fishes. In fact, yesterday I had a houseguest, and we were able to have lunch and a pleasant day together despite the PSE outage, thanks to my backup system. Since its installation, this system has been one of the best investments I ever made, and more than pays for itself in peace-of-mind alone. Not to mention happy fishes.
Running on home-generated power-
Power outages are a nuisance for everybody, but they're particularly worrisome if you have a fishroom that houses delicate fishes. Fortunately, I installed a backup system in my house several years ago, with a hard-wired generator that is powered by a dedicated 100-gallon tank of liquid propane gas. That's enough fuel to run the generator continuously for many days, so power outages are no longer a threat to my fishes. In fact, yesterday I had a houseguest, and we were able to have lunch and a pleasant day together despite the PSE outage, thanks to my backup system. Since its installation, this system has been one of the best investments I ever made, and more than pays for itself in peace-of-mind alone. Not to mention happy fishes.
Running on home-generated power-