Surprise! 23 days ago I had another spawning of my WC
Ophthalmotilapia nasuta Kipili Gold, and four days later I moved the brooding female into another tank, because the alpha male was harassing her (this doesn't happen in the wild because the brooding females leave the males' territories and congregate together in shallow water). But my fish room is torn apart at present due to the ongoing upgrade, so I didn't have much choice where to put her, so I moved her into a 100 with a group of young
O. nasuta Chimba Tiger and some
Xenotilapia singularis. The plan was to move her into a tank that will become free this weekend, to release early next week, but today she released her fry, only day 23 by my count (28 is usual). None of the other fishes seemed to be hassling the fry- there seem to be 16 of them- but I installed a tank divider just in case. In 6-7 days I should be able to move the fry into my Kipili Gold grow-out tank, at least temporarily. Here they are-
Meanwhile, back in the main colony, I had another spawning tonight; female#4, her first.

Here is my very busy alpha male-