What did you do with your tank(s) today?


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Started in on the 300 tonight! A little glass cleaning, gravel vac and pulling out plastic plants to clean. Felt good to see the tank look better already. Only about half done. Pulled out the female midas so hopefully the boys calm down... probably means shrinking nuchal humps too.


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DMD, what you think is dirty is normal - clean for some of us. :whistle
Your tank pics always look like they were just set up. Not a speck of algae or poop visible.

I removed the rocks in a 30 gallon tank to clean them up a bit and do a good sand cleaning underneath. Now I'm trying to decide if I want to put those back or change things up a bit with a different type of rock.


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Thanks @Betty. I did get to spend a good 2 1/2 hours in the fish garage and get all 5 tanks cleaned well and its closer to my normal clean now. I think if I get one more light clean on each tank then it will be at my normal standard, lol.

What I should do is the hardcore sand removal from the 65B and move the arrowhead puffer over to the 30g this weekend... but not motivated for that just yet.


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It's my birthday this weekend, so I treated myself to an early birthday present; they arrived yesterday.




I've been looking for more of these to add to my existing colony, and I got a note from The Wet Spot last weekend saying some were coming in, so I scooped them up. They are still just 'little silver fishes,' but when they grow up they are really pretty-


I like O. nasuta because they do all the same cool stuff as O. ventralis and O. boops, but are not nearly as aggressive. I have a wild-caught colony of O. nasuta 'Kipili Gold,' 2 males and 6 females, and they are fine in a 125. :)


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So I got back to a tank today to do a final clean. Thee garage 65 B with the fine sand and arrowhead puffer. Normally I gravel vac using gravity feed but it's a slow process. Today I used the python and really got the sand nice and clean. Since I cleaned so hard core, I added some SeaChem Stability to get the bacteria reestablished. Now I have 5 tanks to go, lol


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More tank cleaning activity this weekend with two Aquaclears getting cleaned thoroughly.

The 65B (AQ110) and 30g (AQ70) that will get occupant switch-a-roos soon, both got the full treatment in preparation.


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Weekend of water changes. Finally feel semi caught up now.

Noticed that the 300 water was getting a green tint. Checked the UV and saw burnt out bulb, I just replaced the thing recently. Probably was when I had the recent power out and even with a surge protector the on/off probably blew the bulb. Ordered a new bulb this morning.

Still taking my time on the puffer move... debating on buying an AC110 to replace an AC70. Plus getting all the sand out of the 65B just will not be fun. I will never use that fine a sand ever again. The finest I will use is the CaribSea peace river from now on.


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Today was frozen treat day. All the little monsters got krill.


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I should have culled this fellow before it grew. I needed a pleco so I moved him into the 40BF with the yo-yo loaches.


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Contributing Member Level III
I should have culled this fellow before it grew. I needed a pleco so I moved him into the 40BF with the yo-yo loaches.

It's hard to cull them once you've had them for a while. This kind of spinal defect is not uncommon amongst fishes, especially in interspecific hybrids. Ever known anyone with a slipped spinal disc, and how painful that can be? Imagine that your whole spinal cord is out-of-whack. Even so, things like 'parrot cichlids' are quite popular. Go figure. :roll


Legendary Member
It's hard to cull them once you've had them for a while. This kind of spinal defect is not uncommon amongst fishes, especially in interspecific hybrids. Ever known anyone with a slipped spinal disc, and how painful that can be? Imagine that your whole spinal cord is out-of-whack. Even so, things like 'parrot cichlids' are quite popular. Go figure. :roll

Parrots or flowerhorns both. This pleco is from the first batch and there were two with bent spines. The other was bent 90 degrees so it was culled immediately. I guess a morbid curiosity has me wondering if this one will grow full size or what it will look like with some growth.


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Parrots or flowerhorns both. This pleco is from the first batch and there were two with bent spines. The other was bent 90 degrees so it was culled immediately. I guess a morbid curiosity has me wondering if this one will grow full size or what it will look like with some growth.
Not that Im saying it a good thing but there is a market for the unusual... a line of short bodied bristle nosed would probably sell.


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Water changes this morning on garage tanks.

Got new UV bulb for the 300. Water already clearer after only being on for about 12 hours.


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Stopped at Pet Works Olympia. Was looking for a large 'log like' driftwood. I found a large Mopani piece for $40