Roots established?Pulled the 10g grow protector during feeding. Hope this works.
View attachment 6412
Roots established?Pulled the 10g grow protector during feeding. Hope this works.
View attachment 6412
Roots established?
Today, I received a pack of 24 XL escargot snail shells for the four “shellies” I picked up from Fishguy78 last weekend! The two femLe instantly took to them. The males are swimming around them all and may be slightly too large to go inside, though that is just speculation at this point.
Interestingly enough, I went out a few minutes ago and found some of my baby MTS had come out of the substrate and were leaching to the new shells.
@fishguy1978, @lloyd378 those are neolamprologus multifasciatus?
Ive always wanted to try my hand at shellies but too much going on right now to start another fish project.
Is the idea here that the SD's have been looking at those plants for so long that they've gotten used to them, and won't eat them? I'll give you odds they won't last more than a day or two...Pulled the 10g grow protector during feeding. Hope this works.
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Yes, that is the dreamIs the idea here that the SD's have been looking at those plants for so long that they've gotten used to them, and won't eat them? I'll give you odds they won't last more than a day or two...![]()
50% water changes on two 125's, and my semi-annual salt-creep cleanup. It's amazing how quickly the salt accumulates with Tanganyika-spec water; it must be a nightmare with saltwater tanks.
@fishguy1978, how long do you keep white clouds outdoors? Do they breed for you and if so what kind of rate of reproduction do you see? Example if you put in 10, at the end of 4 months you can harvest a 100 fish...
I was thinking of setting up some 55gallon barrels, kind of like this
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Not that I would feed live fish regular but I wouldnt mind raising some puffer food.
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My friends have koi that have bred on their own and they have raised out young from that. Have your goldfish spawned for you yet?
Pics or it isn’t true.... hahaI caught the 4 loaches in the 55g and moved them to the 40g bowfront. I moved the green dragons, the angel, glass cats, bumble bee cat, and pea puffer to the 55g.
Those dollars are looking ace! Were the plants eaten?Pulled the 10g grow protector during feeding. Hope this works.
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