Had forgot to mention, I have been working on the garage tanks. Taking some of them up a notch when it comes to aqua scaping. I had recently got the fake rocks for the 90gallon from Universal Rocks and have ordered some new plastic plants. I feel like a lot of my garage tanks are very utilitarian in looks with no real 'curb appeal'. If a fish needed a hide, I provided it and threw a bunch of stuff in the tank but no real purpose or layout except for maybe the 46 bowfront with the spiderwood centerpiece and the live plants. After the little bit Ive done with the new 90g community set up, Ive got motivation to really get things looking a bit more interesting.
The ones Im having the most challenge on? Both 65B are tall tanks with only a 36" length so its difficult to do much with these. The tendency is toward tall, upright driftwood to be able to keep swimming space for the medium sized fishes like the pearsei growout and the red wolf fish.
The other challenge is the 90 gallon Oscar tank. He like having the 'hide' with the large Mopani log but the tank is so visually unappealing that Im not sure what to do with it. He is not a bad digger but does aquascape his own tank a little so it will present a little challenge with plants and what not.
These are fakes from Universal rocks. Ive considered adding a massive piece like this to one of the tanks. I think it would make a huge impact... but maybe too big?
It measures:
Length: 17 in
Width: 12 in
Height: 18 in
This was another idea. Measurement make it seem WIDE at 13.5 inch, when its in an 18" wide tank but look at side shot and i believe its because of the slant.
Length: 18.5 in
Width: 13.5 in
Height: 18.5 in