What did you do with your tank(s) today?


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Contributing Member Level III
The ones from Tropical Fish World were the biggest I found at the best price at $16.99 each. The ones from Aquarium Paradise were close in size but $19.99. Petco was best priced at $11.99 but half the size, thus lower priced.

I do love the larger school and the mix in size looks good too.


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Contributing Member Level III
The ones from Tropical Fish World were the biggest I found at the best price at $16.99 each. The ones from Aquarium Paradise were close in size but $19.99. Petco was best priced at $11.99 but half the size, thus lower priced.

I do love the larger school and the mix in size looks good too.
I agree, for schooling fishes, the larger the group the better, and having fishes of different sizes approximates what these schools would be like in nature. This is going to be a very pretty tank! :)


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Contributing Member Level III
My female festae has taken a liking to my male red devil that is starting to peel. Nothing will come of it, but it’s nice to see the the female showing some breeding dress. I just fed them some southern delight powerfeed formula in these pics so you can see a couple of pellets floating at the top!4162A843-EFCA-4386-A178-AC4ACE5F1CEB.jpeg6974D8BD-2D7F-4E6B-9EA1-86161C5DC0F6.jpeg1480F200-0E88-4B57-8C09-2E69940ED7E3.jpeg


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Contributing Member Level III
My fake rocks from Universal Rocks came in. Put them in the 90


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Contributing Member Level III
Today we went in and cleaned the 90g in my wife’s office, I also removed the two Oscar’s ( about 9-10”) that were harassing the other fish now that they had grown up.

Swapped them out with the rest of my rainbow cichlids, 2x 4 line pictus cats, a bunch of Congo tetras.

These will live with the 3 blood parrots in the tank and a small baby Oscar.

The plans will be to rehome the Oscar’s at some point as I don’t need that many in my 220g. Haha

I also need to source her a new pleco and some giant danios as the largest tiger Oscar ate those.


Well-Known Member
Down here at the tip of the hood we only have ~3" on the ground and it's warming into rain and getting heavy and slushy. It gets deeper from Ayers Point north, there were about 8" accumulated North of Dewatto.


Legendary Member
Contributing Member Level III
Down here at the tip of the hood we only have ~3" on the ground and it's warming into rain and getting heavy and slushy. It gets deeper from Ayers Point north, there were about 8" accumulated North of Dewatto.
Lucky you: snow has doubled here in the last hour, now have at least 6-7" on the ground, and it's snowing fluffy flakes like crazy. From the way the branches on the trees are hanging, the snow seems very heavy, which is not good news for the garden.





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Contributing Member Level III
Got home early today since I had a dentist appointment. So with time to work on tanks, did a bit of cleaning in the Fluval and 46 bowfront. Its amazing how much poo my lone bn plecos can produce from keeping the wood decor clean.


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Contributing Member Level III
My servs are very comfortable in the 90
Ive always associated the S. American cichlids with being more shy/skittish in nature but kind of had forgotten that the severums are so outgoing. These guys come right up front and beg and are not shy at all. Happy with the decision to change to the colorful tank. Will look really good when the Sevs and Roselines have some more color and size. This will be a very active tank.


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Day off from work, very glad because of the ice out there. Thinking about working on tanks today. Need to replace two of my Aquarium Master heaters with the Finnex titaniums. Will try and get that done.

I did clean my dirtiest tank…no not the one with the big oscar, lol. It is always my 46g community bowfront. Would not think it with little fish, plants and a huge Aquaclear 110 with a pre-filter on such a small tank. But that same combo always seems to make for a filter sponge full of waste.
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Contributing Member Level III
Passenger in front seat with me.... Does this mean I can use the HOV lanes? lol.
New fish from Sierra Fish and Pets. Will share the tank with the Pearsei and eventually the 65B will be 'his' if he is a male. Wondering what it is? Guess what's in the bag...