I have heard they do better with bare tanks as sand can cause impaction if too much is swallowed.
If you want easy, I have 3 goldfish I’d give you that my puffer refuses to eat. All healthy pond comets about 3” total length.
Remind us what you have in each rank currently
Ive heard that the bare bottom tanks stress them out and Ive heard the sand thing too. Actually they say a slate tile bottom works well. But not sold on the axolotl yet.
I appreciate the offer on the comets but looking for a fancy variety and have always likes the ranchu.
As to current stock in my tanks, my signature
300g Cincelichthys Pearsei, Bala Sharks x 3, Dabola endli (Tinkisso river), Ansorgii
90G Rio Niltepec Trimac, Rhino Pleco
90G Astronotus Crassipinnis, L001 Pleco, BN Pleco
65B Hairy puffer
65B Red wolf fish
46G Bowfront Planted community, Monk Tetra x10, Red Wag Platy x2, Three Spot Gourami, Red Flame Gourami, Marble Angel, corydoras sterbai x6, Albino BN Pleco x2, Hoplo cat x2
30G Lamprologus Occelatus Gold x9, Alto. Calvus Inkfin x1 (this tank to be replaced by Fluval Flex 32)
I actually love my little community 46g bowfront, maybe that might be something to do, another community tank.