I know some do cold water for their water changes but Ive always mixed in a little hot to achieve a closer to tank temperature. When we remodeled our home we put in a tankless water heater that for the most part works, lol. For some reason it has issues with filling the bathtub or my high volume utility sink faucet. The high flow of these two items cause it to trigger an error and go 100% cold. You simply have to turn the water off for a second and it will reset itself but this has been irritating to say the least. If I put an aerator on the utility faucet the back pressure is enough to not trigger the error, but this does not help when I have high flow going to fill tanks. Then with the extra deep soaker tub sometimes the unit will rest itself up to 3 times during the process of filling that.
Thankfully we purchased an extended warranty on it and since there was no one authorized to fix it in our area, we were given a full refund on the water heater purchase. This did not include the special valves for cleaning or venting but we got our money out of it all at this point. Anyway today we had a company come out to do a bid to replace this unit, and next Friday we have a second company coming out to bid also. We are looking to work with these two companies in particular because they would help qualify for a rebate from PSE on this.
Being that water is the lifeblood of the hobby, I am eager to get the new unit in to stop these troublesome issues. Our current heater is still holding in there and if its just everyday showers, washing hands or dishes, even the bathroom sink that I use to refill the 300, there are zero issues, just on occasion the garage utility faucet, and the soaker tub.
Not looking forward to spending that kind of money but essential to keep the hot water flowing.