My fancy goldfish tank(s)


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The new fish in the tote are not very active. I added pellets this morning and they were all gone and I added some this evening and abut 3/4 are gone so I know at least one of the fish is eating. The way they are acting is exactly as described on the sheet sent with the fish. Then there is the other fish, the Yuan Bao panda, which has been uber active not even showing signs it was recently shipped. Did the next day shipping make that much difference? Maybe…

Was wondering if the lack of heaters in the totes was effecting the fish in regard to activity level but the other ranchu is eating and swimming like the temperature is not even an issue.


Well-Known Member
They shipped from California right? I don't think temp is an issue. I'd guess stress from shipping in general first. Which one isn't eating? Different mutations have different sensitivities to the environment. Might be more sensitive to nitrogen or even water hardness and just needs a bit of adjusting.
I don't eat when I'm dealing with anxiety either lol Some things just don't taste / feel right. Have you offered other foods, maybe a treat?


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They shipped from California right? I don't think temp is an issue. I'd guess stress from shipping in general first. Which one isn't eating? Different mutations have different sensitivities to the environment. Might be more sensitive to nitrogen or even water hardness and just needs a bit of adjusting.
I don't eat when I'm dealing with anxiety either lol Some things just don't taste / feel right. Have you offered other foods, maybe a treat?
The fish were shipped from california, and Im not sure if the pearlscale is eating yet. I have seen the ranchu eating. They have only been fed pellets at this point but I know the frozen brine shrimp is something my other goldies really like, so I will give it a try. Just a huge difference in activity levels between these two and the Panda Yuan Bao. That fish acts like it wasnt shipped at all, super hyper active fish!

Im really looking forward to getting this mix of colors all together on the new black substrate once they all go through quarantine. I absolutely love how the 90g turned out and the level of activity in the tank and Im sure this will be a close favorite. I just need to give it some time and be patient...


Well-Known Member
Nice. I try to offer them to mine, but then the creature rises from the deep and makes off with the entire block in its tentacles like a total Zoidberg lol


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Is the Pearl scale the one that looks like the scales are pine coning? I was worried at first when I saw the picture, but if that’s how they are supposed to look, then no worries.


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Is the Pearl scale the one that looks like the scales are pine coning? I was worried at first when I saw the picture, but if that’s how they are supposed to look, then no worries.
I very briefly thought the same thing. Then remembered who was posting lol
Noticed last night one of my little ones is currently black and white :)


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Placed a Universal Rock order for another piece of artificial slate to go into the 65B. The look of both goldfish tanks will be very similar now with the black substrate and these black stones. Of course the 65B is much smaller so I went with just a solo stone.
I ordered this one.
The 90 gallon has the two larger connected stones.


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Im at about the halfway point point of 7 days, of a two week minimum quarantine.

The Panda Yuan Bao is already in his permanent home and is doing so well, very healthy and eating like a little piggy. I think I may add a thin layer of substrate just to have something for the beneficial bacteria to work with, not much else going on, it is a totally bare tank. Since this is the primary tank where all the fish will live, Ive been trying to use his water to refill the totes during water changes. Been trying to vac up any poo I see so that the fish do not eat this during this time frame to make sure they are nice and cleaned out of any potential internal issues that may get passed through their systems.

I ordered small preset heaters to add to the totes to get temps up just a little. I think the lack of activity with the fish in the totes, is likely due to the colder temps. While goldfish may not require a heater, they sure are active in the heated tanks. Im seeing really good eating from the milk cow ranchu, but a bit less from the pearlscale. Hopefully a bit of temperature increase and they should both get more active.

The totes Im using are a rubbermaid "Roughneck" and they are very durable in nature but they do flex quite a bit and are bowing out. Not too concerned that they will split, but makes me think I should have just spent a few bucks more and just got a couple 10 gallon glass tanks, it would have been like another $10... Im a cheapskate, lol. Not really, just did not want to have to store tanks that I would not be using. I do also keep a Rubbermaid 'Brute' 10 gallon garbage can that I use for transport of larger fish that I could use as a temporary container too, likely wont bulge out like the totes.

Little bit of an update on the new fish and the quarantine.

Kind of at the point where I think Im done buying any more goldfish. I was not happy with the Apache ranchu that lost all its black and turned gold and may still consider replacing it but I feel as if I have a very nice representation of fish and colors and even if this was all I did, I feel good about the stock. Now that it's in writing I cant start up another goldie tank! lol
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The totes were grossing me out, getting slimy and the sponge filter needed rinsing out. I had been doing water changes pretty much every other day but it was just needing a good cleaning, so I took and completely drained, cleaned and refilled with the tank water from the 65B. Much better now. Debating to move fish over tomorrow or Wednesday since it will have been two weeks of separation.

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Got my Universal Rock piece in yesterday and it has a big air pocket in it so it will not sink, it floats!
I was hoping to get that in the tank and start to add the gravel to get the tank resembling something more than a QT tank. I will probably start rinsing and adding the dark gravel today and may even move the two new fish out of QT into the 65B too. Still concerned the original survivor may be carrying something, so it may stay in QT just a bit longer.


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Added a thin layer of gravel to the 65 and moved over the dragon eye pearlscale. I looked at the milk cow ranchu and Im not sure if the lateral line has inflammation or if its part of the coloration. Decided not to risk putting it in the main tank just yet. The vendor had mentioned it and held back from shipping the fish for a week because of the inflammation. I am treating with a dosing of kanaplex to make sure it clears up.


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Just realized that the vendor had recommended a metro treatment as opposed to the kanaplex I started fish on. I will see how it goes with the kanaplex first and at least finish a full treatment term before switching. The fish has been eating well and have had zero issues otherwise. The area in question is on one side of the fish (lighter side) and looks just slightly like a red line. I really should have snapped a pic...


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Decided to have a bit better qt set up. Bought a 10g from Petco with their 50% off sale. Then I was going to build a stand out of junk 2x4's in the shed and instead I found a stand on Amazon for cheap. It was a 20g stand regularly $51.99 with a 50% off code! So with tax, delivered to my home $28.61. I look for it today and the code is gone. I am going to cut a piece of plywood for the top and likely return the 10g and set up a 20g on the top. This is just a QT tank but I know my milk cow ranchu will need to get a bit of treatment for the lateral line inflammation still.
Since I need to be able to see the side of the fish I needed a clear tank so this seemed like a good choice. Still cant believe I got this for so cheap.
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Picked up the 20H this afternoon and set it up. Apx 15 gallons water and Im using dual 20gallon rated sponge filter and a preset 50w Aqueon heater.


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The ranchu with the inflamed lateral line. Kind of hard to see in the picture.
I started salt and Metro treatments


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I was looking through my medications and saw I had Seachem Stress guard which is an antiseptic used for healing external issues. It can be used with the Metroplex so I started the ranchu on that also. With the bare tank I found a use for the small Hikari pellets too. The ranchu seems to have a super easy time with those and the fish is eating more this way. Tonight I will do a water change and refill with target tank water and redose the tank with meds and see how the progress is with the fish. I hadnt medicated the first two weeks of quarantine so this is really the test to see how this week of medication has done.

My temporary QT tank got the comment from the wife about needing a top... next thing you know it will end up as a permanent tank, lol. I just am being cheap and dont want to spend the $25 on a glass top or lighting. But if I did get all that it would be easier to sell off as a complete set up.