Members'fish pics


Legendary Member
Contributing Member Level III
Yes! The white egg shaped spots at the end of their ventral fins was crazy cool. I’m sure it’s for attracting females or maybe warning other males to stay away.

The brightly coloured tips of the ventral fins in featherfin males serve as 'egg dummies,' and are used to attract females to the male's vent during spawning. In this way, they serve the same function as the the 'egg spots' that are commonly observed on the anal fins of many African haplochromine cichlids, but they are even more dramatic because the male can vibrate them to further excite the female during spawning. It's quite a show.

But lest you get the idea that most featherfins are yellow- only a few are- here are a few pics of other Ophthalmotilapia species, which are generally either blue or blue and black-

Ophthalmotilapia ventralis Kambimbwa 'Orange Cap'-


Ophthalmotilapia boops Nkondwe Island 'Neon Streak'-


But not all featherfins have the ventral fin egg dummies, as shown here in this spectacular male Cyathopharynx furcifer Resha-


These are all challenging fishes, but very special and more than worth the effort IMO. :thumbsup


Staff member
Contributing Member Level III
My bichirs of old exhibiting extreme intelligence spelling out various letters...

Not sure if it was an 'A' or 'F'

Im thinking they were trying for an 'E'

Looks like an 'R'