Members'fish pics


Staff member
Contributing Member Level III
Not "my fish" but a dream fish for me are stingray.

This is a vacation pic from a few years back
I was surprised the pic came out so good. It was a done with a point and shoot digital camera in a waterproof bag.

Our tour guide had the rays give us a kiss

Just a little something different I thought I would share.


Legendary Member
I didn’t say I missed it, lol. I said they no longer had it… because it came home with me.
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I was showing my 11yr old son pictures of the hairy and the congo puffers yesterday. He immediately asked me why was I showing him pictures of fish I had not purchased. When I explained price point, he said "So, why didn't you buy them?"


Staff member
Contributing Member Level III
Well.... I took the puffer back. When I got him the employee commented about something weird on its butt. I got it home and it looked a bit bloated with a pink bubble on its anus. I was sure I had a fish with anal prolapse. Called the store and they said I could bring it back for a refund, so that's what I decided to do.

Anyway get back to the store and there is no more pink thing sticking out and fish looks a bit less bloated. The more experienced fish guy thought it was just a poop ball that had fallen off. I had never seen that in any of my puffers so I still decided to return it.