What did you do with your tank(s) today?


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Contributing Member Level III
Going on about 12 days of Ich treatment with the goldies and they are pretty perky and thankfully I had no losses. Continuing Paragard, salt, high temps and the heavy gravel vacs. Been a lot of work but super happy since I had no losses. A bit ragged fins on a few of them but they all look like they are mending.

Still in a bit of downsize mode with thoughts of how to rescape the 46g bowfront to accommodate the hairy puffer and then the process of replacing the fluvel flex with a 40B as a permanently empty, ready to use hospital tank. This would make life easier when things go wrong to have the larger tank that I can treat my bigger fishes in and my regular maintenance to have 1 less tank to maintain. Of course also getting rid of the current 20H is in the plans.


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Contributing Member Level III
Been busy with house stuff so I really have not done much except keep up on the sick goldie tank. Almost done with treatments and its going on two weeks with the fish all clear of Ich. My house stuff that Im working on? Cleaning up and caulking our shower in the master bath. This is one of those jobs I absolutely hate, I had to pretend I got an old stainless steel frame tank that I was rebuilding, lol.


Well-Known Member
Did a water change and filter sponge cleaning yesterday, then added a second phosphate pad to the filter today after noticing the thread algae is back and trimmed a few old leaves off the tiger lotus. Also noticed seed shrimp are back, probably because of feeding fry food to Parona (garra) and the Minions (blue rasboras).

It seems that after my last post, Sai (betta) has decided Parona is his new girlfriend. At least she speaks a similar language to betta 'flirting' when she chases back and he has started pausing for her while looking confused about what he should do with his old-manfish body (he's 2.5 years now). So far I've been unsuccessful in capturing this on video.

The Minions have also decided I'm safe to approach when I'm sitting with my face close to the glass to watch them minus my glasses, which is neat.



Well-Known Member
Just noticed something that explains why Sai (betta) is suddenly able, in just the last week, to successfully track and nab pellets on the surface of the water, something he hasn't been able to do for most of his life - the dragon scale that grew on the edge of his right eye and impaired the movement has been ground down or knocked off, allowing him full use of the eye! Maybe when he and Parona (garra) were 'playing'. He is very happy about this, as am I. :D



Well-Known Member
Once the kiddo finishes classwork I'm scraping duckweed for the pond. The goldfish are active, might as well toss in good digestible food.


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Contributing Member Level III
Playing catch up on tank cleanings. I got in two tanks in the morning yesterday and two more this morning. Kind of enjoy the time in the morning before I would normally wake up to work on the tanks. Coffee in hand is a fun way to do the tanks. Need to get the sick tank done this evening after work and then Im pretty much caught up in the garage. The ich is gone but a couple fish really still are looking a bit rough on the fins, not sure if just water changes will heal them up or if I should proceed with something to prevent secondary infection. Will see how they are looking this evening and proceed from there.

Been really rethinking the stocking in the 300 lately, want something 'different' in there. I guess this is where I miss having the bichirs, always out and an unusual fish to look at.


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Contributing Member Level III
Finished up Ich medication on the goldfish and did a thorough gravel vac and then decided to treat with Melafix to help fins heal. Thankfully only one got frayed fins, but sadly it was my favorite. But he seems to be doing well and I think the Melafix is helping even though it’s only the second dose.


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Contributing Member Level III
With all the medications, heavy water changes, and melafix treatments, the water in the goldies tank has looked cloudy for the past couple weeks. I hate seeing the tank look like this. I have a few more melafix treatments to go and then I can work on getting the tank looking clear again.

I am at that crossroads point where I am needing to make some adjustments to the tanks and just need time to do it. Time to downsize a little and move some stock and to rethink the 300 so as to have a bit of interest in it. Pretty happy with 5 out 7 tanks or tank inhabitants at least, so that's something.


Well-Known Member
A bit more pond filter mock up.

Started my pnw terrarium. Violets, native strawberry, trailing blackberry, salal, moss and a maidenhair fern to start filling in the ground cover. The water will get elodea and a willow, maybe some pond grass (sucks up water) then an alder toward the middle back and cedar in the corner by the fern. Maybe some deer heart in the middle, big maybe.


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Contributing Member Level III
Just finishing up with my tanks this morning, did 5 out of 7 garage tank water changes. Then some hard core cleaning of the 300 to clean off the algae off all the rocks. I’m officially tired!


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Contributing Member Level III
Broke down the 20H QT tank and cleaned it all up. Its all drying up and I think its time to sell it and begin my fishroom ‘downsizing’. Want to see if I can find a 50 gallon breeder to replace the Fluval, or at minimum a 40B which is easier to get. Goal is to keep the tank empty for a hospital and then it will be one less regular tank to clean each week.


Legendary Member
Contributing Member Level III
Had a great time at the GSAS Home Show Presentation in Seattle yesterday. The Home Show 2025 began on the weekend of January 4-5, when six GSAS members who comprised the judging and photo/video recording group visited club members' homes in Tacoma, Pacific, Auburn, and Renton on Saturday (Jan. 4), followed by visits to two members' homes in Lynnwood on Sunday (Jan. 5) before boarding the Edmonds-Kingston ferry to come over to my place in Poulsbo. But the fun wasn't over yet, as the Judges then had to decide on the award winners! GSAS is apparently the only aquarium club nationwide that runs a Home Show like this.

After hours of video editing, the Home Show visits were condensed into a 49-minute video, which was presented to the GSAS membership yesterday, followed by the awards presentation, and finally, a club auction.

It was a fun day, and I got to meet lots of fish-folk, even a few who keep Tanganyikan cichlids! The 2025 Home Show video is available online here-

And the 2025 Home Show Online Gallery is here-




Staff member
Contributing Member Level III
Broke down the 20H QT tank and cleaned it all up. Its all drying up and I think its time to sell it and begin my fishroom ‘downsizing’. Want to see if I can find a 50 gallon breeder to replace the Fluval, or at minimum a 40B which is easier to get. Goal is to keep the tank empty for a hospital and then it will be one less regular tank to clean each week.
Remind me, what does the fluval look like? I thought that was a tank you really liked….


Staff member
Contributing Member Level III
Had a great time at the GSAS Home Show Presentation in Seattle yesterday. The Home Show 2025 began on the weekend of January 4-5, when six GSAS members who comprised the judging and photo/video recording group visited club members' homes in Tacoma, Pacific, Auburn, and Renton on Saturday (Jan. 4), followed by visits to two members' homes in Lynnwood on Sunday (Jan. 5) before boarding the Edmonds-Kingston ferry to come over to my place in Poulsbo. But the fun wasn't over yet, as the Judges then had to decide on the award winners! GSAS is apparently the only aquarium club nationwide that runs a Home Show like this.

After hours of video editing, the Home Show visits were condensed into a 49-minute video, which was presented to the GSAS membership yesterday, followed by the awards presentation, and finally, a club auction.

It was a fun day, and I got to meet lots of fish-folk, even a few who keep Tanganyikan cichlids! The 2025 Home Show video is available online here-

And the 2025 Home Show Online Gallery is here-


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Looking forward to watching it, specifically, your fishroom segment. I always enjoyed seeing your specialty fish…. The closest I get to Tanganyikan are the west African five spot jewels. Haha


Legendary Member
Contributing Member Level III
Looking forward to watching it, specifically, your fishroom segment. I always enjoyed seeing your specialty fish…. The closest I get to Tanganyikan are the west African five spot jewels. Haha
It was interesting to be in the audience when the Home Show video was played to the GSAS audience, most of whom are into heavily planted, soft-water tanks (which are way cool, by the way). There was an audible gasp when I mentioned that all of my tanks are above pH9. :eek: