What did you do with your tank(s) today?


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Contributing Member Level III
Water changes to the two 90 gallon garage tanks.

Also continued working on the Ich in the 65B community. This one has been easy since it was just the one fish (clown loach) and it was a stress related ich rather than a full blown breakout. Been still treating it as if it were a bad outbreak and doing daily gravel vac, medicine and salt. I have salt sensitive fish in there but the dose is small enough that the short exposure time should not be an issue. My losses have not been ich related but some aggression. The free neons and glowlights became food for something and the white angel got beat up. It had been trying to fight a larger angel recently so it likely lost the fight.


Well-Known Member
Set up a fluval 306 in my new 75 yesterday and began the cycling process. Also went to Sierra for the first time to check it out. I bought some nice pieces of wood that I'm boiling now. I'll write a review for my experience momentarily.


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Contributing Member Level III
Had a power outage last night for about 2 hours, decided to do some water changes this morning because of that and I cleaned out an AC110 HOB filter this morning. Still working on the 65B that had Ich. The clown loach was the only one that had it and it was what they call 'Stress Ich'. Im still doing a daily gravel vac and treatment. Been about 9 days now but will continue as if it were a full blown break out so there will be no issues. The loach is looking good and I see no flashing happening and all spots are gone.
Ive never kept a clown loach before... never knew how hyper they are. This one is constantly on the move! I wish I could get a couple more to keep long term but it would take years to get any grow outs big enough not to get ate in the 300 by the 20" endli. This one is about double the size you usually find at Petsmart for $9


Staff member
Contributing Member Level III
Had a power outage last night for about 2 hours, decided to do some water changes this morning because of that and I cleaned out an AC110 HOB filter this morning. Still working on the 65B that had Ich. The clown loach was the only one that had it and it was what they call 'Stress Ich'. Im still doing a daily gravel vac and treatment. Been about 9 days now but will continue as if it were a full blown break out so there will be no issues. The loach is looking good and I see no flashing happening and all spots are gone.
View attachment 7338
Ive never kept a clown loach before... never knew how hyper they are. This one is constantly on the move! I wish I could get a couple more to keep long term but it would take years to get any grow outs big enough not to get ate in the 300 by the 20" endli. This one is about double the size you usually find at Petsmart for $9

in all honesty, if anyone on here can grow clown loaches quickly, I would bet it would be you! Your fish go through enormous gains under your care!

as for me, I met up with Fishguy78 yesterday and snagged his yoyo loach and his cane cane loach... put the candy cane in my 75g community tank and he is peaceful and super chill.... he also darkened up to his usual colors within a couple of hours. He is a great addition to that tank.

I placed the yoyo ( bigger and more rambunctious ) into my fahaka puffer tank... the fahaka took interest in him, but being well fed, left him alone. I also gave the yoyo 3 hiding places so he should be good in there.

If I decide to sell my Rio Clara umbee male, I may use him in the 220g to clean up the MTS colony.... been thinking a lot of about changing that tank up to a geo tank and getting a school of red head tapajo and some clowns in there


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Had a power outage last night for about 2 hours, decided to do some water changes this morning because of that and I cleaned out an AC110 HOB filter this morning. Still working on the 65B that had Ich. The clown loach was the only one that had it and it was what they call 'Stress Ich'. Im still doing a daily gravel vac and treatment. Been about 9 days now but will continue as if it were a full blown break out so there will be no issues. The loach is looking good and I see no flashing happening and all spots are gone.
View attachment 7338
Ive never kept a clown loach before... never knew how hyper they are. This one is constantly on the move! I wish I could get a couple more to keep long term but it would take years to get any grow outs big enough not to get ate in the 300 by the 20" endli. This one is about double the size you usually find at Petsmart for $9

This is the 2nd time I have heard the term "stress ich" on clown loaches. What is this and how can it be ICH? If ich is a parasite that needs a host to reproduce, can not live in your tank without a host and once it dies it dies, then how can it just appear on a stressed out clown loach without being introduced into the tank?


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Contributing Member Level III
This is the 2nd time I have heard the term "stress ich" on clown loaches. What is this and how can it be ICH? If ich is a parasite that needs a host to reproduce, can not live in your tank without a host and once it dies it dies, then how can it just appear on a stressed out clown loach without being introduced into the tank?

Honestly I am just using a term that best describes the situation based off stuff like what is found here: https://www.aquariumcoop.com/blogs/aquarium/how-to-treat-ich-on-freshwater-fish

For me this was a fish that I got for free from someone getting out of the hobby. With it came 3 black kuhli loach, 5 neon tetra, 2 glowlight tetras. Only fish to show ich issues was the clown loach. The other fish already in the tank didnt get it. It really doesn’t sound like what I know as typical ich. I was expecting a full blow outbreak and the clown loach was the only one showing it.

Some say ich live in tanks, which I don’t believe. I have never had ich outbreaks unless I bought a fish from a store or got from a bad fish keeper and brought home. In this case I am using the term ‘stress ich’ cause I dont have any other way to describe it. It came and went as fast as I spotted it and it didn’t get any other fish....


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Contributing Member Level III
Doing a drain and fill water change this morning because the Mopani is leaching tannins into the tank. I kind of like the light tea color but I needed to change water anyway.

Edit to add thoughts: Have cleaned 4 out of 5 of my Aquaclear 110’s over the past two days. Tanks fed pellets had very dirty filters whereas the puffer tanks where no pellets are used were very clean. These guys usually get earthworm, krill, tilapia and an occasional shore crab. I know in the past certain food brands I fed would discolor sponges to a very red color, they have since reformulated and this is no longer an issue. Just an observation.
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Staff member
Contributing Member Level III
Doing a drain and fill water change this morning because the Mopani is leaching tannins into the tank. I kind of like the light tea color but I needed to change water anyway.

Edit to add thoughts: Have cleaned 4 out of 5 of my Aquaclear 110’s over the past two days. Tanks fed pellets had very dirty filters whereas the puffer tanks where no pellets are used were very clean. These guys usually get earthworm, krill, tilapia and an occasional shore crab. I know in the past certain food brands I fed would discolor sponges to a very red color, they have since reformulated and this is no longer an issue. Just an observation.
Is it that or that you have plecos in the other tanks?

I know any tank where I had real wood and plecos in it.... my filters and media turn brown so quickly!


Well-Known Member
Water changes to the two 90 gallon garage tanks.

Also continued working on the Ich in the 65B community. This one has been easy since it was just the one fish (clown loach) and it was a stress related ich rather than a full blown breakout. Been still treating it as if it were a bad outbreak and doing daily gravel vac, medicine and salt. I have salt sensitive fish in there but the dose is small enough that the short exposure time should not be an issue. My losses have not been ich related but some aggression. The free neons and glowlights became food for something and the white angel got beat up. It had been trying to fight a larger angel recently so it likely lost the fight.
What meds are you using? Did you raise the temp?


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Contributing Member Level III
What meds are you using? Did you raise the temp?
Its run its course so I am finishing off some drops I had and using salt. At this point its just making sure no free parasites in the water/gravel survive.

Just looked at calendar and today is day 10 of treatment. All is well but will go at least 5 more days to be safe.
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Legendary Member
Contributing Member Level III
Had an 8 hour power outage yesterday. Lost power around 3:30 p. m., and it was finally restored at about 11:30. Had been running my generator to keep my tanks warm and aerated, but was worried about running out of fuel overnight. I do have a project underway to deal with that problem in the future, but it is not quite finished yet.

Outages are a fact of life around here in winter, and it's no fun, but it's the fishes that worry me most. I lost a ton of fishes after the Hanukkah Eve storm in 2006, when I was without power for several days, and that was terrible. :(


Staff member
Contributing Member Level III
Had an 8 hour power outage yesterday. Lost power around 3:30 p. m., and it was finally restored at about 11:30. Had been running my generator to keep my tanks warm and aerated, but was worried about running out of fuel overnight. I do have a project underway to deal with that problem in the future, but it is not quite finished yet.

Outages are a fact of life around here in winter, and it's no fun, but it's the fishes that worry me most. I lost a ton of fishes after the Hanukkah Eve storm in 2006, when I was without power for several days, and that was terrible. :(
Glad you made it through that! I wish I would have set up a generator and transfer switch when we remodeled some years back. But back then I didn’t know I would have six tanks going. The only thing I have currently are a bunch of battery operated air pumps.


Legendary Member
Contributing Member Level III
Glad you made it through that! I wish I would have set up a generator and transfer switch when we remodeled some years back. But back then I didn’t know I would have six tanks going. The only thing I have currently are a bunch of battery operated air pumps.

It's not the aeration I worry about so much as the temperature.

I had my place wired for the generator a few years back; it wasn't complicated or expensive. Well worth it just for the peace of mind. :sick