Water changes to the two 90 gallon garage tanks.
Also continued working on the Ich in the 65B community. This one has been easy since it was just the one fish (clown loach) and it was a stress related ich rather than a full blown breakout. Been still treating it as if it were a bad outbreak and doing daily gravel vac, medicine and salt. I have salt sensitive fish in there but the dose is small enough that the short exposure time should not be an issue. My losses have not been ich related but some aggression. The free neons and glowlights became food for something and the white angel got beat up. It had been trying to fight a larger angel recently so it likely lost the fight.
Also continued working on the Ich in the 65B community. This one has been easy since it was just the one fish (clown loach) and it was a stress related ich rather than a full blown breakout. Been still treating it as if it were a bad outbreak and doing daily gravel vac, medicine and salt. I have salt sensitive fish in there but the dose is small enough that the short exposure time should not be an issue. My losses have not been ich related but some aggression. The free neons and glowlights became food for something and the white angel got beat up. It had been trying to fight a larger angel recently so it likely lost the fight.