Rack Em Up! Garage tank rack project


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[QUOTE Good to know. Im lame and use the same handle everywhere.[/QUOTE]

I would have here but didn’t realize that when I put my email in the registration that I was choosing my user name.
When I was maintaining other people’s aquariums in NYC I was always the fish guy. “Hey, the fish guys here!” So, I’m the fishguy1978 on several other forums or fishguy78.


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Contributing Member Level III
Im tired! Did some work on my project today

Got the tank out of the office and in the garage. The 65B in place, getting ready to refill.

The tank filled and hairy puffer out and about on his special perch.

The tanks are all now in place

Still some fine tuning to do but at least tanks are where they should be.


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Contributing Member Level III
Looks great! How is the puffer transitioning to the 30g?
Im still trying to get the spiderwood to stop slime production, lol. Once it is a bit better I want to move the arrowhead over. Part of me wants to put the spiderwood in the 65 and just move the puffer to the smaller tank with less decor.


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Decided to do some final finish work on the tank rack. Took the two extra “shelves” and made them as ends.
Secured with stainless screws and cleaned up the look.

The other side also got hooks to hang up fish towels to dry.


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Overall very happy with my garage racks. Realized how vital it was to have a good step stool with the tall tanks so I replaced the small, heavy steel one with a new lighter, larger unit. This one from Lowe’s is lightweight aluminum and very sturdy. Looking forward to testing it out with a water change later.


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That looks exactly like the step stool I have in my fishroom. My tanks are not all that tall from the floor to the rim: just 50" for the 55 stacks and 75, 52" for the 125's, and 54" for the acrylic 100. Even so, I use this stool all the time, especially for servicing the HOB filters. I really like the fact that I can stand comfortably on the second step whilst leaning against the handrail, and feel perfectly safe reaching over my tanks. And you certainly need a stool for your racks! :)


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Project updates:

I really wanted 90 gallon tanks when I started this project so thats what I ended up doing. 75's came out and 90's went in their place. The first 90 purchased.
The tank in place on the left rack
The 90 gallon tank on the left and a 75 still on the right.
New 90 for the right rack
IMG_20201026_114523155.jpg The old 75 drained and empty just waiting on help to move it
IMG_20201026_140524863(1).jpg More pics to come when it has been changed out.


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The new 90 in place
Time to fill it up
Tank shot with how the wood Im soaking will be set up inside the 300 gallon
This is my substrate for the 90g
What it looks like size wise and wet.
Inside the tank
Tank still needs a couple bags of gravel added, Its a bit cloudy at the moment. Will top off gravel and move RTM back over soon. Using SeaChem Stability for the cycle.

More pics as everything is going.
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Took time to go back from the start of this thread and read up on everything it took to get where it is. Its now been almost a year since it started and I really enjoy the space. Still some junk I need to clear out of the garage but I need to do shelves in my shed to complete that task.

I am glad I replaced the 75’s with 90’s, I just like the look of these much better with the taller 65 breeder tanks below. From a “I wish I would have point of view”, I wish I would have built my own racking out of wood and somehow incorporated two 6 ft 125 gallon, and two 75 gallon tanks. But I already owned the very nice 65b’s so everything was built with them in mind.

Right now the only thing I am not liking is the 30 gallon center tank. It just seems bland... I think if another stimulus check did come, I would be tempted to replace it with one of the 32 gallon Fluval Flex. They just are so outrageous looking with that curved glass. But then that is a very expensive tank for a very sedentary puffer, lol.

Anyway that was basically a one year anniversary thread rant. Will post more pics as changes get made and update project ideas.


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While I am done with the tank part of the project, I did some work on a wall by the door going into the house. Just needed to add some mud. Waiting for it to dry so I can sand and paint. I painted the door trim around that door while I was working on things. Just little finishing touches.


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Update picture
Loving the bigger 90’s on top, even though maintenance is a bit of a chore on a step ladder. Glad I left so much room above the 65B’s since it makes it easier to pull out the Aquaclear filters when it comes time to clean, plus gravel vac room. Still bothered by the 30 gallon tank in center. Want it to ‘pop’ more and feel a 46g bowfront or the Fluval flex 32g would do that.