Re: PokeSephiroth's Fireplace 36 Gallon Bow Front Tank (Finished Project)
PROGREEEESS!!!! - 99.999996% Complete!
Well, we finally put the finishing touches to the frame/border of the tank (gloss, and magnets), and I must say... it looks pretty darn awesome! The frame is made out of oak, and has 2 coats of polyurethane gloss, and it just.... I LOVE HOW IT TURNED OUT!!!
Installed two neodymium magnets on each corner towards the top, and it sticks to the steel bar that's towards the top of the fireplace. I was surprised that it only needed two magnets! Strong enough to keep the frame from falling, but easy enough to take off, during maintenance.
Really wouldn't have been able to do this without the help of my wonderful and supporting boyfriend.
Thank you so much!
I also would like to thank lars On for all the stuff she has given me, and coming to my rescue when one of the filters cracked! You saved my butt! Thanks!!
pbmax, for the Celestial Pearl Danios, they're in the tank now, and they're still hiding. I hope they come out of hiding after a couple days.
If not, I'll see about putting in some dither fish...
Betty, for the beautiful Albino Bristle Nose Plecos, Malaysian Trumpet Snails, and Cherry Shrimp, they are still currently in my 10 gallon planted tank, I plan on moving the BN plecos and some of the shrimp into the 36 gallon once the BN plecos get larger. They're still itty bitty!!
Gizmo, for letting me borrow his LED light fixture for the time being, it looks so cool! I wanna buy one for myself when I have the money for it!
JesseM, for selling me SUPER AWESOME pieces of Petrified Wood, at the Swap! They make the tank look beautiful!!
jrmakawoody, for the fancy guppy fry and the preggo guppy, once the fry get bigger, I will transfer them into the 36 gallon, I'm sure their red tails will add to the overall appeal!
Aquarium Co-Op, for holding some rummynose tetras for me! I can't wait to pick them up when your store opens!
lloyd378, Anthraxx, theChad, Gryphon, BillHN, Salzabar, Lamental Jester, and JimA, for all the tips, tricks, and advice you've given me along the way, following and supporting me throughout this project. You all have been such great help!
I apologize if I've missed to mention anyone, but please know that I thank you all from the bottom of my heart! This project was really fun, and now I can't wait to just sit or lay down on the couch and watch my new tank
I can't wait to stock the tank with more fish!