Re: PokeSephiroth's Fireplace 36 Gallon Bow Front Tank (Finished Project)
Major Progress!! - 92% complete!
Lars On saves the day!!! She gave me an extra aquaclear 70, that will replace the one I broke. You rock so much, Lars On! Thank you!!!
Cleaned it up, and it looks brand spankin' new after I took this picture.
Placed the filter in the back of the tank, and added water into the tank, slowly but surely...quite the daunting task when you have to sloooowly fill it up with water.
And here's how it looks with it all filled up. I should have expected the sand to equalize as I added more water, meh. The hill on the left isn't as pronounced anymore, but I can live with it. I will most likely see how things go first, with the fake plants, and then slowly work my way to real plants (like I did with my 10 gallon). I definitely want to replace the tree trunk/root thingy on the right with manzanita driftwood. Someday, someday. I also added a couple more artificial plants I got from craigslist, and added an additional stone, and shifted a couple over. Still nooooot exactly the way I want it, but it will do for now.
Now that the tank is filled up, all that's left is the glass cover that's still being shipped on Amazon, going to be waiting for that to come in the mail...any day now. And finishing the frame/border that will go around the tank to seal off the fireplace. We decided that it would be easier to place neodymium magnets on the frame and onto the fireplace, to make it easy to remove and place back on, during tank maintenance. It's going to look amazeballs