PokeSephiroth's Fireplace 36 Gallon Bow Front Tank (Finished

Re: PokeSephiroth's Fireplace 36 Gallon Bow Front Tank (Finished Project)

pbmax, LOL perhaps. I just thought that felt is some kind of fabric, and whenever I think of fabric, I always associate it with yarn. LOL... dunno why. =P

Lamental Jester

New Member
Re: PokeSephiroth's Fireplace 36 Gallon Bow Front Tank (Finished Project)

soooo, when this is finished you're gonna throw a celebratory house party to show it off right? ;)
Re: PokeSephiroth's Fireplace 36 Gallon Bow Front Tank (Finished Project)

Lamental Jester: Don't you mean, aquarium party? Got my shrink ray here, and a bunch of wet suits. We'll be swimming IN the tank, with neons and rummynose tetras, and julii corys... WOO!! :D

Lamental Jester

New Member
Re: PokeSephiroth's Fireplace 36 Gallon Bow Front Tank (Finished Project)

I smell a sexy party coming on!


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Re: PokeSephiroth's Fireplace 36 Gallon Bow Front Tank (Finished Project)

This really is an awesome project. I'm enjoying watching the progress. :)
Re: PokeSephiroth's Fireplace 36 Gallon Bow Front Tank (Finished Project)

Thanks Betty! I can't wait to put the Albino BN Plecos in there! They're going to be so happy, once theymove out of the 10 gallon tank. Hehehehe


New Member
Re: PokeSephiroth's Fireplace 36 Gallon Bow Front Tank (Finished Project)

Very cool project, and yes use insulation for inside the flue area, doesn't have to be fire proof your not burning a fire. On the top be sure to cap it so birds can't nest in there..
Support should not be a problem as that thing is prolly built on solid cement or cinder blocks. I am also guessing your house will stay a bit warmer without that fireplace flue open any longer as well, they are a huge heat loss source in homes! It super easy to change the look of the brick to, just use cement board to cover it then pick tile rock what ever you may want to update the look.

What would be really cool is putting one of those flat screen electric fireplaces behind it. They are not cheap but it would look mega cool! FWIW I sell spa's, fireplaces and inserts.

Again that is a really neat idea, good job!
Re: PokeSephiroth's Fireplace 36 Gallon Bow Front Tank (Finished Project)

JimA: Wow, that's an interesting idea, using cement board. Perhaps someday down in the future, we will do that, to change the look of the fireplace. I currently like the brick look, and that's less money we'd have to spend hehehe!! I'm just about ready to start aquascaping the tank, and adding water to it once again, now that the tank is nice and painted, it's ready to be decorated! :D
Re: PokeSephiroth's Fireplace 36 Gallon Bow Front Tank (Finished Project)

More Progress!

After 3 coats of paint, I think the tank looks great! I will be placing the tank in the fireplace now, and will do some simple aquascaping, shortly. Won't fill it up with water just yet, as I most likely will not want to touch the aquascape once there's water (not to mention, how tedious it would be to drain the tank again, just to take it out. Heh. =P

Re: PokeSephiroth's Fireplace 36 Gallon Bow Front Tank (Finished Project)

So...... upon putting all the pieces together for the tank (filter, heater, decor, etc) . . . I accidentally dropped my HOB filter (Aquaclear 70) and now the thing has cracks! UGH... Really beating myself up for this, because I should've known better! :(

Do you think it's still repairable? I don't think silicon would help keep the cracks from leaking... I might try superglue, and maybe duct tape along the outside of the bin? suggestions? UGH... This SUCKS. :(


New Member
Re: PokeSephiroth's Fireplace 36 Gallon Bow Front Tank (Finished Project)

If its good enough for navy aircraft, its good enough for your filter....Not that I would do anything like that.. :roll:


Staff member
Contributing Member Level III
Re: PokeSephiroth's Fireplace 36 Gallon Bow Front Tank (Finished Project)

ouch! I would try opoxy too.... or just buy a new one.

looking forward to seeing this tank up and running.
Re: PokeSephiroth's Fireplace 36 Gallon Bow Front Tank (Finished Project)

jrmakawoody & lloyd378: Hahahaha... I'm trying it with superglue first, because it's readily available at home. Lars On has something up her sleeve that might help me, so there's also that...worse comes to worst, I'll just swap another filter in there :)

Even More Semi Progress!
I couldn't wait. So I did the main setup, and general decor, heater, drain pump, light...sand, petrified wood, fake plants, yadda yadda yadda...

I'm going to see about adding the filter tomorrow, hopefully Lars On can save my butt, re: filter, and then I will install the filter...THEN I shall proceed to filling the tank up with water, and the cycling process shall commence!

While the tank cycles (I figured I'd speed up the process by taking some beneficial bacteria from my other tanks, and just splooshing it in the 36gal), I will be working on the frame that will act as a border for the tank and fireplace, so that it blocks the light from the top, and whatever else is in the fireplace (walls, cables, pipes, mogwai, etc...)

Here's what I have so far...I was very limited with my fake plants, as all I had were fake Ludwigia Repens plants, so... I had to make do with those for now.


Staff member
Contributing Member Level III
Re: PokeSephiroth's Fireplace 36 Gallon Bow Front Tank (Finished Project)

I really like it, you always seem to create great aqua scaping!

And since I know that you are great at aquascaping, did you happen to see the article on the mountain scene "iwagumi" layout in the latest issue of tropical fish? I have never wanted to do live plants until I saw that layout.....I really think you could pull it off!

I will post a link, but you can't see the whole article unless you subscribe ;-(


I have it in print form.... the article is worth the cover price if you can find the magazine in the store.
Re: PokeSephiroth's Fireplace 36 Gallon Bow Front Tank (Finished Project)

lloyd378, D'AWWW shucks! :) Thank you! I have not seen the latest issue, I suppose I should subscribe to Tropical Fish! I'll get on that when I can! Thanks for the heads up!

Iwagumi aquascaping is what really inspired me to decorate my 36gal the way it is now. The only thing that isn't very "iwagumi" themed looking, is the root/trunk decoration on the far right. It does serve a pupose though, as it hides the drain pipe, and water heater.

At some point in the future, I would like to replace that decor with real manzanita driftwood :) Hopefully order some online (I forgot what site it was, but they had a "buy 2 get 1 free" offer). . . I'm all sorts of excited! :D
Re: PokeSephiroth's Fireplace 36 Gallon Bow Front Tank (Finished Project)

Epoxy wins this round. =P I'll see if I can find some tomorrow. I s'pose the next question would be... what KIND of epoxy (particular brands you might recommend?) It would be nice if I could fix this HOB filter back to working condition <3