What did you do with your tank(s) today?


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Contributing Member Level III
Remind me, what does the fluval look like? I thought that was a tank you really liked….

Shaped like this, like the idea of of it but real world use is very limiting. Great as a community tank set up for smaller fish or in my case the solo puffer.

Interior of tank has filter set up in it and it wont hold any fish of any real size if I needed it for a future hospital tank. At least a 40 B would hold my larger fish for a short period if necessary for any sort of treatments.

Again the idea is a downsizing of running tanks with an empty available for emergency. I want to be able to pull an Aquaclear off another tank and basically be ready for anything.


Staff member
Contributing Member Level III
Looking forward to watching it, specifically, your fishroom segment. I always enjoyed seeing your specialty fish…. The closest I get to Tanganyikan are the west African five spot jewels. Haha
I haven’t had a chance to watch the video yet but I spent a bunch of time looking at the pictures. There are some really cool set ups out there!


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Contributing Member Level III
Felt like I accomplished a lot this weekend with catch up on a bunch of tanks. Finally got the goldfish tank that had the Ich to a point where it looks like it is almost back to normal. Had to clean both Aquaclear filters due to all the slime and sludge build up from salting the tank and medicating it. I had to pull the glass tops to clean up all the salt creep on those too. Water is looking much clearer now and the fish are almost all the way healed with just the one oranda showing just a little bit of wear on the fins.

Was able to get all the algae cleaned off the fake universal rocks in the 300 and give it a good gravel vac and glass cleaning so it really is looking clean.

Got to break down and clean up the 20H qt tank. Now I need to pull everything I have that goes with it like filter cartridges, substrate, background and what other stuff I have and take pics and sell the tank off.

Besides all that I did get all the other tanks gravel vac'd and water changes done. Just an overall good feeling of accomplishment on the tanks this weekend.


Legendary Member
Contributing Member Level III
Felt like I accomplished a lot this weekend with catch up on a bunch of tanks. Finally got the goldfish tank that had the Ich to a point where it looks like it is almost back to normal. Had to clean both Aquaclear filters due to all the slime and sludge build up from salting the tank and medicating it. I had to pull the glass tops to clean up all the salt creep on those too. Water is looking much clearer now and the fish are almost all the way healed with just the one oranda showing just a little bit of wear on the fins.

Was able to get all the algae cleaned off the fake universal rocks in the 300 and give it a good gravel vac and glass cleaning so it really is looking clean.

Got to break down and clean up the 20H qt tank. Now I need to pull everything I have that goes with it like filter cartridges, substrate, background and what other stuff I have and take pics and sell the tank off.

Besides all that I did get all the other tanks gravel vac'd and water changes done. Just an overall good feeling of accomplishment on the tanks this weekend.
I get tired just reading about all this housekeeping... :zzz


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Contributing Member Level III
Getting ready to redo my 46g bowfront for the hairy puffer. I am getting rid of the sand in favor of a larger gravel and trying to figure out what I want to do with the decor. Still am considering a planted anubias set up. A work in progress... In the meantime, I need to move out the resident pleco. The chubby pleco lives in his little pleco cave and I never see him. I will put him in the 90g but am concerned that there may be some issues with the little bn pleco that already lives in there. I guess if I put the pleco cave on the opposite side of the tank then maybe they wont have territorial disputes? Will see how that goes.


Legendary Member
Moved 12 Banjo cats, 7 C eques, 6 C brevirostrus, 6 bumble bee cats and a wasp cat into the 125g. Also, moved over some of the wood from the 29g tanks that had plants attached.
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