What did you do with your tank(s) today?


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Yes you won’t go wrong with Beamswork! I have both EA and DA models just like @sir_keith! Great build quality for the price. :)

@FishBeast, thanks for the feedback on them.

I had used Beamsworks in the past but that was when the LED light was first becoming a thing for tanks. The lights were well built and cheaper than Marineland products but full spectrum stuff really wasnt being done at the time so the units seemed to wash the tanks out. Now there are so many choices and the new stuff really makes the fish ‘pop’.

I did end up buying the EA fixture in 48”. Should be here on Sunday.


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I wasn’t digging the glass carpet so I redid the 20g glassfish tank. I’m not sold on the rock and gravel mix as they clash. Added some guppy fry, java fern, and bolbitis. View attachment 5460
I like the look of the rocks in there. The gravel is a bit off in color but at least natural so its not too far off. At least its not neon rainbow...


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Water change and cleaning in the 300 gallon today. Tall tanks are such a pain! lol, I love them none the less. I also have the two 65B’s which are tall. I just like the look so thats what I tend to buy.


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More cleaning in the 300 this morning. Pulled plants and did gravel vac. I keep my tanks pretty clean but did a bit extra since we have friends coming over today.


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Contributing Member Level III
More cleaning in the 300 this morning. Pulled plants and did gravel vac. I keep my tanks pretty clean but did a bit extra since we have friends coming over today.
You have the best maintenance I’ve seen in the hobby! Pictures don’t do your justice. It’s always unbelievable to me that you can’t even see the water , haha

I guess I use too much wood as my water always has a small tint to it!


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Yesterday I made the decision to off load my african peacock mutts and my flowerhorn in my bedroom 75. I then scooped out the crushed coral and did a 75% water change. I refilled it up, using both gravel and a piece of mopani wood recently acquired from DMD. A few hours later I added in my two lemon oscars and then went and picked up two smaller regular oscars ( red and tiger) to make sure that the lemon oscars don’t get too aggressive with each other as they grow. I also picked up a marble sailfin pleco to take care of the natural algae on the back wall. All five of these fish are micro sized right now so the pics won’t show them as of yet. But I’ll update them as they grow. I also really enjoyed falling asleep to a tank that I liked again. Haha two pics coming


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Sitting in line at Lowe's waiting for my plywood to get cut. Trying to get my stuff altogether for the stack rack project.

Edit: got the plywood cut to width to fit in my car. Just need to cut shelves to length now. Not sure if I want to go fancy and do edge banding or just slap some paint on it as is.

My Beamswork EA fixture came in. Have not opened it up yet but looking forward to setting this tank up.
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Well-Known Member
My larger yo-yo in the bowfront is controlling the population these 2 in the 55g have only been in a week. I’m hoping between the two of them and the pea puffer that the population will decrease. There are 6 khoolie loaches as well but I’m not sure how effective they are for snails. The assassin snails appear to be working as there are empty shells littering the tank.
I have seen kuhlis eat snails but it’s not consistent. I’m not sure if they really attack and eat them or just come upon a recently dead one.


Well-Known Member
@FishBeast, thanks for the feedback on them.

I had used Beamsworks in the past but that was when the LED light was first becoming a thing for tanks. The lights were well built and cheaper than Marineland products but full spectrum stuff really wasnt being done at the time so the units seemed to wash the tanks out. Now there are so many choices and the new stuff really makes the fish ‘pop’.

I did end up buying the EA fixture in 48”. Should be here on Sunday.
You can just router the edges to round them off and maybe paint if you like. I wish I had the woodworking skill to do stuff fancier than the regular 2x4 style tanks stands haha. I like the Beamswork EA color temp just fine for fish, plus the price just can’t be beat compared to Current or Finnex.


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Busy weekend for me with driving my oldest to and from Green Lake for kayak camp. I did visit Asia Gift and Aquarium in Tacoma for the first time. Very nice lady, ok tanks but some oddballs like Jardini etc. I picked up 3 Beaufortia kweichowensis hillstream loaches who are now in QT. Also pruned some leaves in both shrimp tanks.


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Contributing Member Level III
Busy weekend for me with driving my oldest to and from Green Lake for kayak camp. I did visit Asia Gift and Aquarium in Tacoma for the first time. Very nice lady, ok tanks but some oddballs like Jardini etc. I picked up 3 Beaufortia kweichowensis hillstream loaches who are now in QT. Also pruned some leaves in both shrimp tanks.
What was she asking for the jardini?


Well-Known Member

but that’s in line with aquarium paradise’s prices for a similar sized one they recently sold. I can’t justify that, but I can justify 75-100 for a young one ... haha
I know haha. Huge chunk of change! Growing them out is almost like a layaway, with the monthly payments being food, time and care :)


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I got a great deal on a brand-new Fluval FX-6 canister filter last week (thanks @Tank!), and today I installed it on one of my 125's. Here it is-


This is a Xenotilapia tank, with two young colonies- Xenotilapia spilopterus and Enantiopus (formerly Xenotilapia) sp. 'Kilesa.' Filtration had been two Eheim 2217 canisters and two AquaClear 110 HOB's. I replaced one of the 2217's with the FX-6. I filled the bottom tray of the FX-6 with cycled SeaChem Matrix and two new bags of Purigen, and used the standard Fluval media in the other two trays. I also seeded the FX-6 with detritus from one of the AC110 sponges, so it shouldn't take too long for the FX-6 to cycle in. At that point I will reassign the two AC110's to other tanks in the fish room. I'm sure the FX-6 will be more than sufficient for this tank, but I plan to keep the other 2217 going as well, which is inside the compartment on the left, because I never like to depend on a single filter per tank. Thanks again to @Tank!