What did you do with your tank(s) today?


Legendary Member
Im just using a 300 watt Fluval e series and a 250 watt SERA heater in the 300. Originally had 2 of the Fluval but they couldn’t hack it so I replaced with the SERA’s. After about 3 1/2 years one of the SERA started to act up so I popped in the Fluval and its been working okay. So Im running 550 watts and it keeps temp fine but if I had to actually heat water the fluvals dont do that great.

Ok,I only have egg crate covers right now which doesn’t help.


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Contributing Member Level III
Ok,I only have egg crate covers right now which doesn’t help.
The glass tops do help hold heat in.

with the Fluval heaters I ended up cutting out around the ‘sensor’ area of the heater and they seem to work better but really dont act like they are 300 watt. I really like the new style Eheim Thermocontrol heaters and got 250 watt ones on the 75’s. A bit big but steady temps and they dont seem to get that ‘glowing’ hot like other heaters.


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Contributing Member Level III
Agree with dmd... class tops or run to home depot and buy pre cut sheets if lexan. I really like this as it doesn’t warp with the heat of the water / lights. I do leave a gap in the back of the tank it lets some water evaporate, which is fine with me, but I feel it’s great!


Legendary Member
I have some heavy duty packing plastic wrap left over from the move. I’m going to try wrapping the egg crate in it for now. I ordered a Beamswork LED 72” light and 12 Val gigantea bunches from Buce Plant this morning and that will get me in enough trouble :).


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Contributing Member Level III
I've never used BucePlant, but I have used Aquarium Plants Factory, also in California. You've seen my planted 125's; would you say that BucePlant Anubias are comparable to these?



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Contributing Member Level III
You guys made me look at https://buceplant.com/collections/aquarium-plants/care_easy?page=17

Ive been thinking about live plants for a while and especially the easier anubias but what I see at the stores for selection has been a bit lame. I would seriously consider that site. Saw some different varieties of anubias that are not expensive but something different than the big box selection.


Legendary Member
Contributing Member Level III
You guys made me look at https://buceplant.com/collections/aquarium-plants/care_easy?page=17

Ive been thinking about live plants for a while and especially the easier anubias but what I see at the stores for selection has been a bit lame. I would seriously consider that site. Saw some different varieties of anubias that are not expensive but something different than the big box selection.

Absolutely no comparison between the Anubias you can get online and at the LFS. I've been very happy with several shipments I have received from the Aquarium Plants Factory, and it looks like BucePlants is also a good source for high-quality plants. Anubias are easy- just attach them to something- and I've been surprised at how fast they grow. I'd encourage you to try a few. :D


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Contributing Member Level III
lol, you guys are great! Two things I have on my fish keeping goals are live plants and to breed something. I really want to attach some anubias to that piece of spiderwood but it is still heavy in the slime process at the moment. Im pulling it out every couple days to scrub down. Once I can get it under control then maybe a plant or two...


Legendary Member
I missed the coupon code for free shipping and the buy 3 get one free option was not clear. I ordered 12 individual bunches of jungle Val to ensure I received enough. This morning I emailed BP and they have extended a credit to me for the difference. Now I have to order more plants :whistle.


Legendary Member
Contributing Member Level III
I love Vallisneria, and had quite a lot of it back in the days when I kept soft-water fishes, but I have never been able to sustain it in Tanganyika water. My last experiment, about 2 years ago, is shown here-


It looked great for a while, but in a matter of months it had all melted away. People claim you can keep Val in hard, alkaline water, but mine is harder and more alkaline (pH~9) than most. Happily, Anubias do fine in this water, so that's what I've concentrated on for my planted tanks ever since.

Years ago I had a 125 that was heavily planted with Jungle Val and contained a colony of wild-caught Peruvian Angels. It was stunning; perhaps someday I will have a tank like that again. :)


Well-Known Member
Ive had it a few other times myself. All of them being failures... Im ready to try again! Im gonna harden my water a bit, dirt the bottom and experiment. Keep us updated on your adventure!


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Contributing Member Level III
Scrub and gravel vac on the 300 today. This working from home thing has been great for keeping my tanks extra clean.


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Contributing Member Level III
Fish got treats today. Remembered that I had frozen squid in freezer so I fed the tentacles to the puffers and cut some small pieces for the amphilophus gowouts. Put some in tonight at lights out for the polys. Trimac didn’t know what to make of it and didn’t eat any, it sat for hours so I got it out of there. Squid is a rare treat when I feel like splurging on the fish.