What did you do with your fish tanks today? Pics appreciated!


Active Member
added some new fish...picked up a male red double fin betta for the 20l community tank and some plecos


Taking a cue from one of Cory's recent DIY videos, I decided to replace my haphazard lid collection with some polycarbonate panels. I had glass tops on most of the tanks, but usually only one strip because the huge hinge you get with the top messed with where I could put the light and blocked a bunch. That left a lot of open water, and I was getting a lot more evap than I wanted, so...

Preparing to make the first cuts. I used that cordless Ryobi 5 1/2 inch circular saw, although I did get a new blade with 100 teeth on it for this project. It's light, I have lots of extra batteries, and for this job, it worked great.
I made that wood guide because I was too cheap to buy a metal guide. It works for cuts on either side of my blade. I just clamp the edge down on the line I want to cut, push the saw up against the lip (there is a 1/4 inch gap there now you can see just over the handle, normally that's tight to the wood), and cut away. No more measuring 4 and 3/8" inches over to clamp a straight edge down. It worked like a champ. (h/t to Family Handyman for the idea)
I made 5 lids in this session. the largest was for a 40B. I also made each lid a single piece (for the moment anyhow). You can see that on the 40B, there is a little bowing in the middle, so the edge sticks up just a bit. When the front edge is pushed back off the aquarium rim lip, it bows much more. I wouldn't go more than 36" wide when using this material. Also, measure twice, cut once! 4 of the 5 fit perfect first time. The fifth I got a little slack with the accuracy, and the first time cut it too short. I overcompensated when cutting a new panel and made it an 1/8 too long, so I trimmed a blades thickness off and it dropped in over my 20L pretty well.
The sag is not really all that noticeable in the Full tank shot. Next up are knobs. Also, I did these last weekend, and after a week of living with them, I think I'm ordering/buying some clear plastic hinges and cutting each sheet in half lengthwise to make hinged lids. The single sheet is a bit unwieldy for feeding or quick access to the tank. Thanks to Cory for the video and inspiration.


Staff member
Looks good. Yeah, for 40 breeders they'll work as I used it at the shop. But I had the same feeling that over 36 inches would be pushing it.


Much, much better job of retaining water over the course of the week! How do you feel about your hinges? I see them on the TAP website. I'll either order them or look around for a set locally. Probably buy the flat piano hinges and maybe cut them down to a couple of inches long and use 2 per tank. Thoughts?


Well-Known Member
I had glass tops on most of the tanks, but usually only one strip because the huge hinge you get with the top messed with where I could put the light and blocked a bunch.

Glad i am not the only one annoyed by the hinges on glass tops. Not only annoyed, flat out pisses me off lol. Especially when i have 3 plus fixtures on a tank.I will never buy another glass top now that i found the poly carbonate sheets.

Finally got my island work table/stand built. Houses 2 55 gallons on the bottom. I may put my 33l on the top depending on how much space i actually need for activities. As you can see, my fish room is in complete disarray as i continue to rearrange. And my poor 22 long... still in its packaging =( Someday ill get to you.



Nice! 2 things: 1) do you find the polycarb sheets stiff enough to make the run across a 48" tank? Do you brace the center somehow? Mine sag a bit on a 36" tank, just curious your experience.
2) LOVE the island workstand. I strongly request a post with some more pictures and info on this one. Would love to hear your thought process on measurements, materials, construction methods, etc. It looks very cool, I love the dual sided-ness of it, though I'm curious about where cords, filters, airlines, etc might go if the tanks are back to back.


Well-Known Member
Nice! 2 things: 1) do you find the polycarb sheets stiff enough to make the run across a 48" tank?

Wouldnt you just use the center brace of the tank? I utilize the center brace, so the sheets are only 23 and some change inches, just like glass tops.
This is the center of one of my 75g.

I dont notice any sag on my 36" lengths. I dont have anything sitting on them though, not sure you you do, my lights brace on the tank, dont use any type of hinge. I just cut it to fit and then run a skill saw down it about 6 inches in and attach a nob. I would rather be able to remove it than only being able to flip it back.

I'll probably make another post about my island workstand when it's complete. I will only be running two airlines for sponge filtration and one power cord for lighting. No hob filters or heaters to worry about. I will eventually route these under the carpet (yup, my fish room has carpet) but for now i will be ghetto and use a space rug to cover them and avoid trip hazards.


Wouldnt you just use the center brace of the tank? I utilize the center brace, so the sheets are only 23 and some change inches, just like glass tops.

Funny. I just realized that my largest glass tank is a 40B, and I just assumed that larger glass tanks would require the full width. My two bigger tanks are both acrylic with the standard openings in the top and no rim (obviously). I apparently just figured that a 48" tank would be like my 36" tank and wide open across the top. Turned out to be a silly question.

My tops are currently still one full piece, I've not hinged them at all yet, but think I'm going to employ your method of making a cut about 6 inches back and putting a handle on it. I like the hinge concept, but being able to fully pull that section off is probably more convenient.

Thanks for taking the effort to document your island stand. I'd still like to see some pics on the joints and general construction and design, it's totally understood that it's a work in progress. love the way it looks so far though!


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Contributing Member Level III
Today was water change day in the new 300g and putting two new fish into quarantine. First time ordering from Rehoboth Aquatics. Two new 'big boy' bichirs in the house. still stressed and not showing well but should color up in a day or two.

Dabola endli (Tinkisso river)

sp. Koliba lap

Toyin from Rehoboth Aquatics is know for high quality wild caught bichirs. These guys are almost the same length but the endli is built like a tank.


New Member
I tore down my 65g!

I chased down 40+ betta rubra fry, tons of shrimp and all the adult fish.

6 hours lager the 55g rack is up and filling is moving along, AND THE CENTER BRACE IS BROKEN!

...try again tomorrow, the tank is half full with everything in it for now.

Pic of the 65g20160328_124558.jpg
