Got around to setting up a 40B that I've had for the last year or so. This summer I bought a 2 tier custom steel stand from
@aaronfeeney and put my 29G planted community tank on the bottom tier. Instead of a black background, I decided to try one of the flexible backgrounds from Universal Rocks. I bought the flat sheet type that is not very 3D, but still offers some nice texture to the back of the tank. It IS flexible, but not as flexible as I thought it would be, so I ended up siliconing it to the back of the tank. I am planning on a Tanganyika tank and would like to find some non jumbo cyps, some multies, and maybe a calvus/comp or julidichromis group. Pics follow. I used the "thumbnail option" and they're pretty small, but if you click on the first one, you can page through them all without coming back to my text.
Awaiting Pool Filter sand (terrible glare on the left side, was too lazy to close the garage door)
Better look at the background. Universal Rocks makes some cool stuff
Standing over here in my garage reduced the glare a bit. 30 pounds or so of PFS rinsed and in the tank. Going to use an AC70 for filtration.

Filling it up. Bought the lace rock from another user here a while ago. Realized that the background limited where I could stick the heater, so I improvised and stuck it low on the left side of the tank. Seems a little cloudy yet, so either I didn't rinse the PFS or the background (or both) very well. I'm using an AC70 (this is my 6th AC series filter, I really like the media basket setups and ease of use), and swapped some media in from one of my other filters to get the cycle jump started. Once it's a bit more established, I'll do a water change and see if I can get it to clear up.
Bought the escargot shells off amazon and had a few others laying around (from a GSAS auction lot buy, I think). It's been running for a couple of days now. I have some val and perhaps an amazon sword to go in the middle for a LOS break between the lace rock and shell bed, and some anubias petite to superglue to a smaller piece of rock that will also go in the tank. Time to be on the lookout for fish. If you've got some multies, cyps, or altos for sale, feel free to PM me and see what we can do!!
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