I’m not entirely sure why the losses of woodcats but a member on MFK pointed out these are a rheophillic species something I was not aware of prior.
The system they were in is ~1000l distributed in eight 120l tanks and a 140l sump. All of the tanks are planted so nitrates are kept low.
I’m also running 1440l/h (1.5x) turnover with 100w DC pump at 50% power. I had not calculated my flow before so it could be that I am running an O2 deficit. Would this explain the losses?
I have a constant water change running with cold water dripping 15l/h. My municipality only runs 0.5ppm chlorine so it doesn’t even register when testing. Tap water on the right and T m tank on the left. Test strip reads from ph 8.4 (red), chlorine 0ppm (white), alkalinity 80ppm (green). The brown is stabilizer which might be 30-50ppm Gh? This a swimming pool test kit so I don’t know how accurate these strips are. My liquid AP kit shows a similar result for ph though.