FS Super Red Texas (SRT) Fry For Sale! PU or meet in Silverdale!


Staff member
Contributing Member Level III
Hey, how did you choose these fry from the breeder in Thailand ? I want one and would also like to know how deep the reds looked in the parents.... haha

Just wondering if I could google the breeder and check out his stock.

Oh and I replied to your pm!!!!


Well-Known Member
I have a friend who has been to her farm in thailand and he said she has very high quality deep red fish there so I contacted her and she sent me pictures of the batch. I know the first thing asked was about the parents but apparently a lot of breeders wont show them to you because I've asked around and only a few would send me parent pics and those were the ones who parents didn't look the best :/


Member with a lot to say
@Wenzoui @Tank

Hey Tank just texted me. Did we agree to meet up tomorrow? Works for me. When/where/what? You coming over to Casa Vicaroo for a fish tour then or ??? Whasssuppppp?? Call me! I'm messaging you my phone number right now so we can do this man!


Member with a lot to say

Funny thing, Tank texted me this morning for an update on his baby fish I bought. I thought I'd share with everyone.

Tank Junior "Tankie" is doing GREAT. She/he is about 3" now. Very interactive with me. I've been feeding Tank that ridiculously expensive food that @Mike16T made me buy for him - Super Sumo Red Whatever - and I'm not sure it's helping just yet - but that's OK. I can wait for a GIANT RED FISH. He's super fun and I love him bunches.



Well-Known Member

Funny thing, Tank texted me this morning for an update on his baby fish I bought. I thought I'd share with everyone.

Tank Junior "Tankie" is doing GREAT. She/he is about 3" now. Very interactive with me. I've been feeding Tank that ridiculously expensive food that @Mike16T made me buy for him - Super Sumo Red Whatever - and I'm not sure it's helping just yet - but that's OK. I can wait for a GIANT RED FISH. He's super fun and I love him bunches.

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Lol. I can see red background already on the body. Like I said, if you ended up having a female, then you won't have a RED fish.


Member with a lot to say
@Mike16T I think that's a reflection off the terra cotta flower pot. I thought that also - but also though it too presumptuous.

I wanna red fish dammit.


Member with a lot to say
hahahaha.. Then you should've bought more than 1. LOL.

Oh Good Idea, Einstein. And then I'd have TWO females and no red fish. I'm taking my chances with this guy. Either way I love him. He's awesome. If I keep calling him "HE" it could happen. LOL Fish brainwashing.

My parrot is a male. I've always referred to her as Emmie - because she's unsexed and I have a "no boy pets" rule that I broke anyway. Emmie is a boy but I always call her a she. Call me nuts. No don't. Because I know you will.


Well-Known Member
Oh Good Idea, Einstein. And then I'd have TWO females and no red fish. I'm taking my chances with this guy. Either way I love him. He's awesome. If I keep calling him "HE" it could happen. LOL Fish brainwashing.

My parrot is a male. I've always referred to her as Emmie - because she's unsexed and I have a "no boy pets" rule that I broke anyway. Emmie is a boy but I always call her a she. Call me nuts. No don't. Because I know you will.

Hahahhaha,,, LOL. I bet you keep calling your shrimps with female names. :rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl


Member with a lot to say
Hell naw!! You guys have way more tanks than me!

Tankie is funny. Because he's by himself - and he has his TWO SAE roomates at the moment - he likes people. When you go up to the tank, he's all "HEY HOW'S IT GOING? GOT SOME TREATS?" He's like a dog.