I mean the HOBS AcIm in bremerton, you bought the canister filter from me @Tank
Hahaha ic I didn't know your Fishbox name! When will you make the trip?I mean the HOBS Ac
Funny thing, Tank texted me this morning for an update on his baby fish I bought. I thought I'd share with everyone.
Tank Junior "Tankie" is doing GREAT. She/he is about 3" now. Very interactive with me. I've been feeding Tank that ridiculously expensive food that @Mike16T made me buy for him - Super Sumo Red Whatever - and I'm not sure it's helping just yet - but that's OK. I can wait for a GIANT RED FISH. He's super fun and I love him bunches.
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hahahaha.. Then you should've bought more than 1. LOL.
If you get a dozen I can guarantee that you will get at least one male.
Oh Good Idea, Einstein. And then I'd have TWO females and no red fish. I'm taking my chances with this guy. Either way I love him. He's awesome. If I keep calling him "HE" it could happen. LOL Fish brainwashing.
My parrot is a male. I've always referred to her as Emmie - because she's unsexed and I have a "no boy pets" rule that I broke anyway. Emmie is a boy but I always call her a she. Call me nuts. No don't. Because I know you will.
If I was you, I would get like 5-6 fry. At least I can sort them once they grow.
Well YOU are the professional aquarist and I am just a hobbyist.
Hell naw!! You guys have way more tanks than me!
Hahahhaha,,, LOL. I bet you keep calling your shrimps with female names.![]()