
New Member
sandnuka said:
that waterfall tank is Aweoms! keep us updated, I would love to see how it turns out too,..... and rams in a 90? I had trouble with mine in a 55gal, they wouldn't breed until I put them in a 10gal... So i dont know if that is the goal, but you might want to consider moving them somewhere smaller.
I ain't tryna breed them there, their in Canada and I'm not sure how the legal issues are about bringing them across the border although I'm sure its alright too, i just sneak plants over from tanks sometimes :p
I only have one female left anyways.


New Member
Jtang said:
I ain't tryna breed them there, their in Canada and I'm not sure how the legal issues are about bringing them across the border although I'm sure its alright too, i just sneak plants over from tanks sometimes :p
I only have one female left anyways.
Males are so easy to come by, a just saw a gorgeous very large male only 9.99 in a pet store in everett.... they are super fun to breed! Let us know when you smuggle your stuff over! lol


New Member
Heres my tank since i've taken out the driftwood


:( i have no where to put the wood and plants attached to it :'(
heres my 150 and the new stand and lid i built . its an africain malawi tank
theres 74 fish in there.. it might not look like it but there is .. theres 11 peacocks , 43 mbunas , a breeding pair of jewals , breeding quad of callaptera , a breeder set of demasoni , and 3 differant types of breeding haps , breeder trio of empresses.

theres so many i forgot some of there names ... lol ... im in school now so i dont study the fish or watch for breeding .. theres plenty of pregnant fish in there ..

lars on

New Member
46 bowfront:
2 parrot fish
1 kissing gourami
1 giant gourami
1 pleco

45 hex:
14 neon tetra
2 sword tail
4 rosy barb
1 female betta
1 dwarf bosemani
1 giant apple snail
2 nerites


New Member

55 gallon above my 90 gallon on stand i just finsihed...
55 holds water
90 holds Demsoni, chepoka and yellow labs atm..


125 gallon on the left 155 on the right
125 holds fuelleborni, albino scolofi, albinio L144, albino scollofi, convicts,

155 is empty... Sw SPS?? or more mbuna... HMM!

Also have a 29 gallon holding water ready for mbuna fry
20 long with fuelleborni fry and what not
2 10 gallons
2 40 breeders looking to be set up..


New Member
:) thank god she loves me so... lol..
Also helps that she is very interested in the hobby.. She has lots to learn tho..
i cant wait to move into a bigger place.. Its TEENY..


New Member
My opinion if your renting try to find a older split level house that has that lower rec room, ideal for a fish room. I have a 1500 sq ft rambler and I hate clutter, so far ive done a pretty good job arranging things in the house with all 9 tanks to make it looks like its not cluttered. I even have room for another 100 gal tank or setup my last wall in the spare bedroom with breeder tanks.


New Member
its temperary.. make long short.. my gf at the time left me.. My new gf was there for me.. i ended up moving in with her to help both of our bills.. i was on a month to month and she was a lease.. so i kinda had to move in with her even tho my apartment was bigger than her house and i had free electricity.. o well.. the landlord was a old incompetant...a$$ of a landlord.


New Member
yea.. i already moved.. preatty bad he is sexist and ageist to boot.. and was a mayor of sequim at one point.. rofl..


New Member
My one and only show tank! 90g discus with 3 adolphoi corys and 4 albino corys and a pair of long fin bristle nose plecos

Once I'm done moving fish around I will get some pics of my working tanks


New Member
Here's my main tank it's a 72gal Bowfront. It has:
11 Pseudotropheus saulosi
6 Iodotropheus sprengerae (Rusty's)
3 Aulonocara baenschi (Sunshine Peacock) 1m 2f
3 Pseudotropheus socolofi albino "snow white socolofi" 1M 2F
2 angelicus X eupterus hybrid
2 Ancistrus sp. (Bristle Nose Plecos)

The Peacocks are going back in their own tank later today.



New Member
sandnuka said:
No light for the tank protocl?
fishes were sleeping.

Speaking of sleeping: discuses, angels, Geo's all huddle in one corner when sleeping.
Tank is at a constant 83. Strange?