PokeSephiroth's 55 Gallon Community Tank

Thank you, Anthrax! :)

I also forgot to mention in the previous post, that I also took off the HOB filters (Marineland Penguin 350) it used to have two, then I took one off, and left the other one on for several months, and now I've gone and taken the last one off... I like it better now. It seems quieter without the HOB.

Now the 55 gallon tank just has two cascade 1000 canister filters, which seem to be doing a really good job so far. I just hope that by taking off the HOB, that I don't run into a mini cycle. I probably will, so I'll just have to keep an eye out for any ammonia/nitrite spikes, and do water changes accordingly. :D


Nice Poke! Once the dust settles I think this will be a winner  :spoton: 
Thanks fishNAbowl! :)
I can't wait for the water to clear up. I think I'm going to do a water change tomorrow when I get home from work. Just to be sure that I didn't release any nasties while I was moving stuff around. I already did a partial water change tonight, and the fish seem to be doing fine.


New Member
I really like the rescape Angelo. When I pulled all my plants from 33G to do the upgrade to the 75G, I had all that cloudiness too. I did what you did, a partial water change (about 50%) and then a couple of days later, I did another one. I left my filters for normal maintenance but boy were they filthy when I did them. They had sucked up all that gunk from the water column. I didn't lose any fish though and I had babies in the tank.

Oh, and I love love love your huge school of neons...wowza.


Angelo, rescape looks really good! Your plants are super lush, but I like being able to see the hardscape elements again, and you've done a great job of unhiding the rocks and driftwood! I have two plant ID questions. What is the grass in the center foreground and behind that, what is the tall light green "Dr. Suess" looking plant just to the right of the filter output? I have that in one of mine, and don't remember what it is. I also have some blyxa japonica, but I don't know if I have enough light to green it up on a low tech tank. Does this one have a full CO2 system?

Also love the huge school of neons! Great work, I'm sure you feel much better whenever you walk by that tank!
Thank you, Donna! Your 33gal inspired and motivated me to rescape my 55 actually! :) your plants are always healthy and I'm always inspired to try something new in my tanks whenever I are yours! :)

hose91, thanks! The foreground plant is dwarf chain sword, it's growing pretty slow for me for some reason, although, I will add that when I first got it, it was, literally just a small little plant no taller than an inch. Lol!!! I'm glad it's starting to grow and spread via runners! I hope it spreads throughout the entire foreground. The other plant you're asking about is Asian ambulia (limnophila sessiliflora).

There's currently no co2 at the moment. I'm using those small co2 kits that use the disposable co2 cartridges, and I need to buy another cartridge. I'm currently saving up for a real co2 system so that I can dabble into a higher tech planted tank, but that won't be anytime soon :)

The only fert I have been dosing, is potassium, because lately I've noticed some pinholes in the older leaves.


Staff member
Contributing Member Level III
That looks really good! I went back and watched the older video and looked at the pictures and it seemed everything had just grow together and there was no clear definition of the plants. Now it really 'pops' because it just has the right aesthetic look about it. Good job!


New Member
poke ive done the dwarf chain swords before, if you simply cut a cpl off and then place them in areas where youd like a little more plant action. before long they will start spreading all over again. :)
Anthraxx, thanks for the tip! I might end up just cutting a couple from my 10 gallon tank and transfer them into the 55 :-D I'm excited!!

Thank you. DMD123! I'm really happy that I can see all the rocks and driftwood again! The older scape really took off and the plants just took over. It was too much. It was fun seeing the fish swim between the leaves and all, but I also like seeing them swimming in open space. :-D

I can't wait to get home and do another water change!! I'm currently waiting for the ferry.
An official video is up! :)

[flash=425,350]http://www.youtube.com/v/MJlx6AnhW0w" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true[/flash]


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Angelo, this video is awesome!!! I LOVE how you put the name of the plants next to them on the video. Such a great idea!! You have so many fish in there and it's so crystal clear! Your tanks are awesome. :) Keep up the good work with video's and your tanks.


Staff member
Contributing Member Level III
Very nice video. I agree with Shorty about the labeling of the plants in the video. Very good idea!  :spoton:  Now you just need to do that for all the fish....  :lmfao:   :joker: 
ShortyKiloGyrl said:
Angelo, this video is awesome!!! I LOVE how you put the name of the plants next to them on the video. Such a great idea!! You have so many fish in there and it's so crystal clear! Your tanks are awesome. :) Keep up the good work with video's and your tanks.
Thank you, ShortyKiloGyrl!! :) I think I'll do the plant identification thing whenever I do a full tank video, after a rescape... or something to the lines of that. :) Thank you for the kind words! I always feel motivated to make new videos because of all of you! :D I hope my videos can also inspire and motivate other people, the same way you all inspire and motivate me!

DMD123 said:
Very nice video. I agree with Shorty about the labeling of the plants in the video. Very good idea!  :spoton:   Now you just need to do that for all the fish....  :lmfao:    :joker: 
Thanks DMD123! You know, I actually did think of doing that. Can you imagine, all the text going around, FOLLOWING each fish?! LOL... I'd probably be able to do that with Sony Vegas Pro (way expensive... so that's out of the question)... I'm still looking for a decent video editor, I've used Windows Movie Maker in the past, and I think I've used that to its maximum capacity, and I was limited with their "features".

Camtasia is a decent one, with a good number of features, it's what I've used in my more recent videos, however, my license for it has already expired, and trying to find an Arrr Matey copy that actually WORKS is a pain. Let's not go there. =P
So as of now, I'm just drifting from one free video editor to another until I find one that takes my fancy. So, you'll just have to wait for that day to come, before you start seeing me tagging each neon tetra. HEE HEE!!  :joker: 


Staff member
Contributing Member Level III
PokeSephiroth said:
So as of now, I'm just drifting from one free video editor to another until I find one that takes my fancy. So, you'll just have to wait for that day to come, before you start seeing me tagging each neon tetra. HEE HEE!!  :joker: 
And then you always get those crazies that will point out you made a mistake with that one Cardinal that you tagged as a Neon....  :whistle
DMD123 said:
PokeSephiroth said:
So as of now, I'm just drifting from one free video editor to another until I find one that takes my fancy. So, you'll just have to wait for that day to come, before you start seeing me tagging each neon tetra. HEE HEE!!  :joker: 
And then you always get those crazies that will point out you made a mistake with that one Cardinal that you tagged as a Neon....   :whistle
That WOULD happen, wouldn't it?!?!?  :scratch:  :laughhard: 

cichlid-gal said:
Angelo...your tank looks gorgeous.  I love your video too (does it repeat?)  Great work!
Thank you cichlid-gal! The video footage of the tank, is one continuous video (except the intro, I used the same footage, but slowed it down by 50% and blurred it, I find that I like doing that in my intros for my videos [and some of the videos I've done for the Aquarium Co-Op youtube channel]). The connotations/captions, however... do loop around throughout the video (I think it just repeats 2 cycles)... It was like 3am when I finished editing the video LOL...  :lmfao: 


Well-Known Member
I have to agree, I like seeing the hardscape as well, it makes for a better contrast which just makes the plants look better. Also a neat idea to ID the plants in the video like you did, saved me having to ask about the amazing looking Barclaya.