ShortyKiloGyrl said:
Angelo, this video is awesome!!! I LOVE how you put the name of the plants next to them on the video. Such a great idea!! You have so many fish in there and it's so crystal clear! Your tanks are awesome.

Keep up the good work with video's and your tanks.
Thank you, ShortyKiloGyrl!!

I think I'll do the plant identification thing whenever I do a full tank video, after a rescape... or something to the lines of that.

Thank you for the kind words! I always feel motivated to make new videos because of all of you!

I hope my videos can also inspire and motivate other people, the same way you all inspire and motivate me!
DMD123 said:
Very nice video. I agree with Shorty about the labeling of the plants in the video. Very good idea! :spoton: Now you just need to do that for all the fish.... :lmfao: :joker:
Thanks DMD123! You know, I actually did think of doing that. Can you imagine, all the text going around, FOLLOWING each fish?! LOL... I'd probably be able to do that with Sony Vegas Pro (way expensive... so that's out of the question)... I'm still looking for a decent video editor, I've used Windows Movie Maker in the past, and I think I've used that to its maximum capacity, and I was limited with their "features".
Camtasia is a decent one, with a good number of features, it's what I've used in my more recent videos, however, my license for it has already expired, and trying to find an Arrr Matey copy that actually WORKS is a pain. Let's not go there. =P
So as of now, I'm just drifting from one free video editor to another until I find one that takes my fancy. So, you'll just have to wait for that day to come, before you start seeing me tagging each neon tetra. HEE HEE!! :joker: