Recent content by clownie

  1. clownie

    Through the wall / My Fish Room

    What is this?
  2. clownie

    Through the wall / My Fish Room

    What did they have it labeled as?
  3. clownie

    Through the wall / My Fish Room

    Function is key!!
  4. clownie

    Getting back into the Hobby

    I just paid $71 (with tax) for a 40 breeder from Petco. Pretty sweet deal.
  5. clownie Aquarium Plant & Fish Auction; TOMORROW! (Sat. Nov. 9th - Queen Anne)

    I would love to attend one day. I work on the weekends from 10-6, then it's an 1 1/2 hour drive to get there. Maybe one day
  6. clownie

    My catfish

    Cool!!! Have to give a call about cory's
  7. clownie

    FS Fish room inhabitants

    Sad........ i might be able to do the S. multipunctatus.......
  8. clownie

    What did you do with your tank(s) today?

    Frea freakin hilarious
  9. clownie

    Through the wall / My Fish Room

    Is that a auto water change system on those smaller tanks?
  10. clownie

    Free Double stack

    Well maybe one.... I have to ditch one 55 thats leaking and too much trouble to fix. I am in the process of redoing the fish room . cuz our water is so high in Ph. Will keep rare corys and thinking some petrocolas. Don't know yet.
  11. clownie

    Free Double stack

    Thinking about it.........have to move some stuff around
  12. clownie

    Corydoras Eques

    Not at the moment. Hard species to spawn!! Usually i will have them spawn around November. i will keep you posted.
  13. clownie

    Free Free diy ro/di unit

    Free DIY Ro/DI unit... I say DIY because I took it all apart to clean it out and never reassembled it 6 years ago. It needs all new filters and probably a ro membrane ..but it's free! Membrane that was in it is 50 gpd. Comes with the wrench to put canisters back on. Bought it from fire and ice...