Active Member
Hi everyone! I'm getting back into the hobby after taking down all my aquariums to go to college. Now I'm a PhD student at UW and am finally planning to stay in one place for a while, so I can set up my fish tanks again. Funny enough, my research uses zebra danios as a model, so I'm thinking about fish at work and at home! Previously, I focused on breeding corydoras, but I'm looking to try new stuff!. Right now, I've got a 10 gallon full of cherry shrimp and a plant holding tub with some excess plants I got at the GSAS auction last weekend and some cherry barbs. I wanted to try breeding some clown killis along with the cherry shrimp since I heard they could colony breed, but now that shrimplets have started appearing, I don't want to see them get eaten. I guess it's time for more tanks haha.
I found this place through the GSAS site and joined to connect with other fishkeepers and have a record of my aquariums.

I found this place through the GSAS site and joined to connect with other fishkeepers and have a record of my aquariums.