What Water Supplements Do You Use? CO2?


Active Member
Most of my tanks get:

Plantex CSM+B (solution)
Potassium Nitrate and Mono Potassium phosphate (solution)
Seachem Equilibrium
Seachem Alkaline Buffer

Some of my tanks get Flourish Excel
Root tabs

I tried dosing close to EI, but that blew up in my face. Now I dose much less than EI and my plants are pretty happy. The recent Seachem Equilibrium dosing has made a noticeable difference in plant growth in my 29g - less algae and things seem greener.


Well-Known Member
Prime, PhosGuard, API QuickStart, root tabs, epsom salt grains, Easy Green, Seachem Potassium and Iron, and Advance when rooting a plant. But as soon as I'm done with the potassium bottle I'm switching to Easy Potassium - greater concentration; smaller, easier measurement. All my java ferns should love it.

Oddly enough, the more my plants have taken off, the less Easy Green I've needed. Right now its 'whenever the nitrates drop below 25 ppm'. Probably because I've left the mulm and poop, etc, to sift down into the gravel, and the flourite under-gravel substrate apparently absorbed nutrients from numerous additions of root tabs pretty well (also unfortunately phosphate from a year of source water having a high concentration). Also helps that Crawley loves to eat the aged lotus leaves as they turn clear so they're poop instead of leaf litter. I've found it interesting, too, that the tiger lotus gets redder when I add potassium, not iron - anyone else noticed this?
