what fish have personality?

Fish Addict

New Member
I have had oscars and I know they do for sure but I just have no idea what fish to put in my next tank other then I want it to have a clear personality. I am thinking the tank will be any where from a 20-120 gallon so theres a WIDE range of fish to choose from and I will choose a fish then I will get the tank. Any suggestions?


New Member
all cichlids.... I really think all cichlids have there own personality.... community fish and goldfish just want food and swim back and fourth..... I had a midas, he was like a puppy... very fun.... but now I have fallen in love with tropheus.... They have a very cool way of creating a social colony, with a alpha, beta, etc.... but its awesome to see the beta challenge for top position, so he can get breeding rights.... just very neat to watch.


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Contributing Member Level III
All fish have personality to some extent. Even my silver dollars who are pretty dumb will respond to me approaching the tank. They will beg for food too. But the cichlids just seem to outshine many others in the personality department.

I have heard that puffers are also very interactive and intelligent.


New Member
You'll have to define personality a little. Some cichlids are angry at the entire world. Some are laid back and friendly!


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Contributing Member Level III
Good point Zerc. My midas was laid back and mellow but he knew you were in the room and watched you. He would come over to where I sat and stare at me. Ive had other Midas that were glass bangers.

My Oscars respond to food and are beggars. But Im sure they will grow out of it when they are big and be more responsive to my presence in the room as opposed to just a feeding mechanism.

Even my Convict is responsive to me when it comes to food. And Zercs convict is totally in a league of its own when it comes to "personality". :D


New Member
Personally think all the South American Cichlids have great personalities from the lunkers to the little ones though I'm not going to take anything away from the Africans since mine are always watching me. They do the fishy dance, one group of Fulus has this game they play with me like I'm the boogy man and fly to the other end of the tank, soon as I turn my back they're right back as close as their tank allows. Now if I have the food container the fishy dance is on!!!

2 Little fish with huge personalities are the Lateacara Curviceps and Lateacara Buckelkopfs, they are amazing. Totally won me over with the out going attitude!!

Fish Addict

New Member
well I have had oscars who would watch me and when I looked back they would freeze like "uh oh he saw us staring at him" then would splash probaly a gallon of water out of their tank lol I miss them. I have been wanting a pacu because they have a ton of personality from what i hear but i also hear you need a 200 gallon for an adult which i can't do. also they can get really glass bangy


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Contributing Member Level III
I have two Oscars right now and they are the life of the tank. My other cichlids include a gold sev and stalsbergi which are both on the shy side. The stalsbergi is still new so he has an excuse.


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Im waiting for it to settle down, speaking of settling down... :joker:

How can I get a pic of it when Im at work?


Active Member
My buddy had an oscar that he could pet & feed by hand. It could also splash water accurately to get you wet 6 feet away if you forgot to feed him. Kind of a messy fish though.

Fish Addict

New Member
I don't know why I am avoiding the obvious choices.

I have narrowed it down to two either an oscar or a pacu.

what size tank do adult pacu need?

Fish Addict

New Member
I have yeah my friend in Texas raises them in a man made pond and they grow to ~30" in a year... He believes they are the best as food because they grow fast and love his surplus crops and fruit.

I think I have to go with the tried and true "gentle" giant the oscar. How fast does one grow from ~1" to full size?


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Contributing Member Level III
One of mine is growing fast the other much slower. An Inch a month is pretty normal with a slow down when they get 9-10" is pretty normal. So with in one year you could have a 10" Oscar.