Well-Known Member
Cleaned out the intake screen and pulled the plant material off the impeller shaft. Pond is pumping away at full steam again. Cupped some more Bettas. More koi and white/ pink are popping up. The one we have for sure decided to keep is in a 5 gallon with my blond Endlers. Was excited the other day to see the first 4 fry. The adults were all chasing them which is unusual for my strains. Typically only the older menopausal females will eat fry. The undersized, deformities, presumably blond. That's my next research rabbit hole, blond vs grey predation rates.
Anyway, once I put her in there they were gone lol. Also "she" flares a lot for a female and the back fin is getting larger. Not 100% sure just yet. I should move that small Endler colony into the 2.5 qt / microfauna tank for a month or so. Probably speed up breeding too.