Had a fuss with some staghorn. It really likes the windelov.

Saw some nano swords starting to make runners finally, so that's a good sign, I had a tank carpeted in then once, it was pretty fun to do, took about 3 months in a 20 long.

I pulled all the windelov out, cleaned it in the sink.

Got about a softball sized mass of the staghorn.
Then sprayed it with hydrogen peroxide while I did water changes, I think I had about 3 square feet of coverage.

The tank looked uniquely different without the coverage in there.

I tossed a little more than half and put it all back together with a heavy h2o2 treatment.

Then sadly a dose of levamisole, so they all got lights out.
I only observed an issue in the 125, I think my tetras brought in camallanus, the male endlers were showing signs and some of the tetras had tiny bulges at the anal fins so better treat it now. This is why I moved allot of diversity into the 29 (Noah's ark vs quarantine theory) before receiving those fish, but I'm glad that 3 weeks in all they are showing is worms, it's an easy treatment as far as treatments go; I used to struggle with capillaria when I was line breeding endlers so I have experience with the stuff and plenty in hand. They have all colored up and looked great otherwise.