What did you do with your tank(s) today?


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@sir_keith, glad your power is back up and you and your fish are well.

Did you have a transfer box wired in or just plug in cords to the generator. In Lakewood with all or trees we will get sudden outages during storms. So far the worst was just an overnight but have been considering a back up power plan.
The generator is hard-wired into the house through one of the main electrical control panels. The generator lives in a covered walkway between the house and garage, and there is a special receptacle out there that feeds the generator power into the control panel inside the house. Before I had the generator hard-wired I used to just run extension cords from the generator into the fish room, but that was a real PITA; I don't have to tell you how many plugs are in a fish room! The hard-wiring wasn't crazy expensive, and this way I can switch over to generator power in just a few minutes, and then route to power wherever I want in the house. I also have a dedicated 100g propane tank to run the generator, so I don't have to fuss with fuel. The whole system is not as fancy as those fully-automatic Generac setups, but it was way less expensive, and gets the job done. We have power outages in this side of Liberty Bay all the time. :(


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Thanks for the info @sir_keith. My biggest regret was that we didn’t plan on and hardwire at least a transfer case in when we did our remodel. Especially since our remodel was a full gut, down to the studs with all new electrical going in. At that point it would have been so cheap to do. But you dont think of that as much in the heat of the summer. Lesson learned…


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Is it me or is this hobby a constant seeing things that need done, lol. Now that I am focusing more on getting a nice community tank going in the garage, I see all kinds of things I want to change. I pulled out the substrate out of the 65B and put it into the 90. Well that was great, but now Im not liking the super dark stuff I put into the 65B. I already had it so it was no cost but it makes for a super dark, dirty looking tank. Something about a lighter substrate just looks fresher and cleaner on the bottom racks. So that will be an upcoming change.

As I was cleaning the garage tanks I eas thinking of how boring the aquascape were in a few. So now Im thinking of adding some more fake rocks from Universal Rocks to the garage tanks. Thankfully thet dont have to be as large as the ones in the 300 since these tanks ate smaller but I do feel like I need to order a few different rocks to fill in for at least 3 of the tanks.

Oh well, one day I will have all my tanks looking the way I want.


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Today, I took in my red wolf fish for store credit and turned around and used it on a medium-large sized. Male chocolate cichlid….going to keep it with my wild caught Oscar and my blue severum I got from fishguy1978 way back when. They will be in my 220 w/ my two ornate bichirs too.

I plan to gravel vac that tank tomorrow so I’ll post up some pictures when I’m done.


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Contributing Member Level III
Today, I took in my red wolf fish for store credit and turned around and used it on a medium-large sized. Male chocolate cichlid….going to keep it with my wild caught Oscar and my blue severum I got from fishguy1978 way back when. They will be in my 220 w/ my two ornate bichirs too.

I plan to gravel vac that tank tomorrow so I’ll post up some pictures when I’m done.
My red wolf is pretty shy but its exciting when he does pop out. I could totally see getting rid of him like you did with yours. I think the chocolate was a good trade.


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The new chocolate cichlid is doing well with my Oscar’s… at first there were some squabbles, but now they all swim together in a school. I’d place him 3rd in line in pecking order. ( he looked huge at the aquarium paradise, but now that he’s in the 220g, he is about the same size as my wild caught Oscar! I have nicknamed him, “count chocula”



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Strange thing happened tonight… after my water change and gravel vac, I noticed one of my pineapple female swordtails had what looked like the start of ich. I decided to treat the tank with some ich tablets that I’ve used in the past.

Anyways, it’s been about 4-5 hours since the tablets and I went in and checked out the tank and found all of these little MTS snails in the tank. This tank has been running for over two years w/ zero snails ever. I mean that I’ve never even seen one in the tank before. No big deal as I sure they came in on a live plant I bought. Check out these pics of them.C56CC484-6735-44B8-840D-C65245196426.jpegCDC0621A-EEF3-40E9-BED0-5F151159FA08.jpegBE3BC120-C04B-437C-BD1C-2489A4D4ADB5.jpeg


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A little clean up on the 300 last night. Pulled a couple of the fake rocks and plants and cleaned them well in a light bleach solution to get rid of the algae. Now I have the other half of the tank to finish...


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Strange thing happened tonight… after my water change and gravel vac, I noticed one of my pineapple female swordtails had what looked like the start of ich. I decided to treat the tank with some ich tablets that I’ve used in the past.

Anyways, it’s been about 4-5 hours since the tablets and I went in and checked out the tank and found all of these little MTS snails in the tank. This tank has been running for over two years w/ zero snails ever. I mean that I’ve never even seen one in the tank before. No big deal as I sure they came in on a live plant I bought. Check out these pics of them.View attachment 12200View attachment 12201View attachment 12202
I have the exact same thing. In my pleco tank I set the darn thing up didn't add anything and haven't to this day added anything other than fish. And out of nowhere this tank is overrun by those damn things. I have never had them in any tank and none of the wood or substrate came from somebody other than myself or the store sitting on a Shelf.


Legendary Member
Strange thing happened tonight… after my water change and gravel vac, I noticed one of my pineapple female swordtails had what looked like the start of ich. I decided to treat the tank with some ich tablets that I’ve used in the past.

Anyways, it’s been about 4-5 hours since the tablets and I went in and checked out the tank and found all of these little MTS snails in the tank. This tank has been running for over two years w/ zero snails ever. I mean that I’ve never even seen one in the tank before. No big deal as I sure they came in on a live plant I bought. Check out these pics of them.View attachment 12200View attachment 12201View attachment 12202
I have the exact same thing. In my pleco tank I set the darn thing up didn't add anything and haven't to this day added anything other than fish. And out of nowhere this tank is overrun by those damn things. I have never had them in any tank and none of the wood or substrate came from somebody other than myself or the store sitting on a Shelf.
And it only takes one to end up overrun!!


Legendary Member
The new chocolate cichlid is doing well with my Oscar’s… at first there were some squabbles, but now they all swim together in a school. I’d place him 3rd in line in pecking order. ( he looked huge at the aquarium paradise, but now that he’s in the 220g, he is about the same size as my wild caught Oscar! I have nicknamed him, “count chocula”

View attachment 12196
Good looking male!! Now you need the female :cool:


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New severums are settling in and getting more comfortable now that Ive got the busy Hoplo cats in there. Ive just started feeding what I have which is the Omega One Veggie pellets and frozen mysis shrimp which they seem to be doing okay in accepting. I want to go get the frozen Hikari krill which is ground up in bite sized pieces and see if the reds start coming through more. A bit concerned about the smallest sev since it seems to hang out on its own and not as outgoing of an eater. At this point Im just watching it closely.


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Had a free moment so I cleaned out the Aquaclear on the pearsei tank. I feel bad for him, since I pulled all his plants and tank mates but he could care less about it. He is quite the beggar and watches me all the time for food. I am only doing floating pellets now since the only other fish are the chubby plecos which never come out. I split an algae wafer in half and throw it in after dark for them. Was hoping the open swimming area, no competition for food would help get the pearsei growth going better but since I see him every day, it just feels like he is taking forever to get big enough for the 300.