My last go around with a planted tank seemed like a lot of work in some ways. First my choice of plants was okay but I realized that the Java fern was super messy and I had constant plant debris everywhere. The anubias did pretty well and I had success with some types but not others. The stuff from Petsmart and Petco did well but I pretty much lost the fancy types from Buce. Then when my bristle nosed plecos started to breed and I had baby plecos everywhere, the anubias had holes in the leaves from those little monsters and the tank looked horrible.
So this time around Im thinking of an anubias only tank with my hairy puffer as the sole occupant. This would be in the 46g bowfront, which is the tank I had done as planted previously. Not 100% sure if I am going to go this route but looking for something different, especially in a tank where the inhabitant is not really a mover.
Is there any other plant that is similar to an anubias that I should consider? A plant that is durable and does not make a lot of waste with dying leaves or what not...
So this time around Im thinking of an anubias only tank with my hairy puffer as the sole occupant. This would be in the 46g bowfront, which is the tank I had done as planted previously. Not 100% sure if I am going to go this route but looking for something different, especially in a tank where the inhabitant is not really a mover.
Is there any other plant that is similar to an anubias that I should consider? A plant that is durable and does not make a lot of waste with dying leaves or what not...